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Inside CPS

News and Stories from across the District

07 June 2020

Celebrating the CPS Class of 2020 #Better MakeRoomChicago

It takes a lot of determination to graduate high school. A lot of late nights. A lot of early mornings.

01 June 2020

May 30 Protests | Protestas del 30 de mayo

Today, I’m writing to you as a mother of a black boy who is worried for him, and the millions of other black boys in our country.

30 May 2020

Snapshots of Brilliance

The Unique Way CPS is Highlighting More Than 750 Student Artists

28 May 2020

Putting Others First

How CPS Students Across the City are Serving their Community While Learning from Home

28 May 2020

Resources for Families | Recursos para familias

While the way we work and learn has evolved over the past two months, our commitment to supporting families remains unchanged. 

27 May 2020

The Thought That Counts

How Students Across the City are Engaging with the 2020 Census

26 May 2020

Kicking Off CPS Census Week! #BeCounted

It is hard to believe that it has already been 10 years since the last census. 

23 May 2020

Inner Strength

How a Hamilton Elementary Student’s Time on American Ninja Warrior Junior has Shaped his Goals for the Future

21 May 2020

Planning for Success

How A Focus on Building Relationships Helps High School Counselors Support Student Well-Being During Remote Learning 

19 May 2020

Someone You Can Turn To

How Elementary School Counselors Support Students and Families Through Remote Learning and Beyond

16 May 2020

Alcott’s Author

One Eighth-Grade Student’s Mission to Teach Other Students about Staying Safe during the Coronavirus Pandemic

13 May 2020

Friendly Competition | Competencia sana

How CPS Students Continue to Pursue Academic Enrichment While at Home