16 January 2021
A Close Look at the District’s New Special Education Endorsement Program
The program helps CPS educators transition to diverse learner positions—mainly at high-need schools on the South and West Sides of the city.
17 December 2020
My Message to My Fellow Eighth Graders
By Anaiya B., Eighth-Grade Student at Peirce Elementary
10 December 2020
Advocating for Bilingual Students through Equity-Informed Policy
By Josephine Mounts, Assistant Principal at Gallistel Language Academy
08 December 2020
Answering Your Questions About College Scholarships
While sending in each scholarship application takes time and patience, these strategies can help the process feel a little less daunting.
05 December 2020
Kelly College Prep Students Reflect on Three Years of Debate and Friendship
On top of everything Lisa and Kelly have learned through debating, they’ll also walk away from their three years as partners with a great friendship.
03 December 2020
The Career Guidance that Every Student Deserves
By Dr. Maria Campos, Principal of Lozano Elementary
26 November 2020
What CPS is Thankful for This Year
Thank you for sticking with us through a year unlike any other.
24 November 2020
Part Two: This is How I Teach Virtually
After a strong start, these three teachers have started to think about what they will concentrate on to keep their momentum going.
21 November 2020
Rediscovering What Makes a Band Class Great
By Kelley Gossler, Director of Bands at Lincoln Park High School
19 November 2020
Transforming a School Should be an Inclusive, Community-Led Effort
By Marcelo Costilla Jr., Principal of Reilly Elementary
12 November 2020
Getting Serious About Closing Opportunity Gaps for Black Males
By Dr. Ernest Williams, Assistant Principal at Ellington Elementary
10 November 2020
Using Poetry to Build an Affirming Classroom Community
Fourth-grade students at Hamline Elementary created poems that reflected their unique backgrounds by answering the question: "where do you come from?"