16 September 2021
Nine Questions with a Hancock College Prep Freshman
Alejo is thoroughly enjoying his freshman year, especially exploring Hancock's new state-of-the-art building.
14 September 2021
Finding Where I Belong and Helping My Peers do the Same
Leslie is proud that she was able to help other students take advantage of the opportunity to continue their education.
11 September 2021
Personal Reflection #2 from Interim CPS CEO José M. Torres
Throughout his school visits, Dr. Torres has been impressed by the patience of our students and the hard work of schools to maintain safety protocols.
09 September 2021
Air Force Academy High School Freshman Reflects on New Beginning
AJ is quickly learning that succeeding academically in high school will require an extra level of effort.
07 September 2021
Learning about Relationship Building from a School Culture Coordinator
Mr. Calderon always finds himself coming back to connecting his work with the importance of community.
02 September 2021
Encouraging Positive Behavior and Student Growth at Bateman Elementary
Mr. Fernández wants to reboot community at his school this year through kindness and inclusivity.
31 August 2021
Creating a Culture at Deneen School Of Excellence that Reignites Learning
Strong leadership and a set of core values have helped Deneen maintain high levels of academic success.
28 August 2021
Helping Students Thrive at Metcalfe Community Academy
Mr. Clay aims to have every student adopt a champion mentality.
26 August 2021
Meet Our Student Civil Rights Summer Fellows: Alfredo B.
Alfredo's goal for the upcoming year is to make his school a better place for everyone.
24 August 2021
Seeing the Impact of Empowering Students through Mentorship
Principal Nieves believes in the importance of creating spaces that amplify student voices and empower the community.
23 August 2021
Instructional Support Leader Draws from Own Experiences as a CPS
Mr. Borges describes this role as working directly with teachers and administrators as an expert in math and science curriculum and instruction.
20 August 2021
Meet Our Student Civil Rights Summer Fellows: Jessica V.
Jessica joined the fellowship to make a difference for students with similar experiences as her.