16 June 2021
Our Half-Billion Dollar Investment to Accelerate Learning
Moving Forward Together is a comprehensive plan to address the academic and social-emotional impacts of COVID-19 on our school communities.
15 June 2021
Harper High School Seniors Share their Favorite Memories and Dream Careers
David and Kamoy are making Harper proud through their hard work, tenacity, and big dreams.
14 June 2021
Farragut Senior Shares Her Advice for Future High School Students
While it wasn’t always easy, Farragut Career Academy senior Jessica French says her high school experience was an enjoyable one.
11 June 2021
Collins Seniors Reflect on Creation of All-Female Robotics Team
Canisha, Ronisha, Brianna, and Ceara have set the bar high for the next group of Collins students who take on robotics as an extracurricular.
10 June 2021
Tilden Senior Shares His Ambitious Goals to Make a Difference
Roberto describes himself as someone who is always willing to go the extra mile to help others.
08 June 2021
A Q&A With Al Raby High School’s Top Seniors
Al Raby High School seniors Robert, Taliyah, Dushawn, and Jasari are among the top ten members of Raby’s Class of 2021 academically.
07 June 2021
Hubbard Senior Shares How Getting More Involved Helped Her Discover Her Passions
Leslie believes you need to take the risk of joining clubs and extracurriculars to find out where your interests lie.
04 June 2021
‘Dewey Diamonds’ Mentoring Program Making Big Impacts on Class of 2021
The Dewey Diamonds program is a space for female students to experience mentorship, grow their self-esteem, and talk with their peers.
04 June 2021
Help Shape Our Return to Daily In-Person Learning
We need feedback from our families to help shape what the new school year and a return to daily, in-person learning will look like this fall.
03 June 2021
A Teacher’s Perspective on the Importance of Early Childhood Education
One way Ms. Dela Cruz knows that pre-k is important is when she sees the eyes of her former students gazing longingly through her classroom window.
01 June 2021
Goode Senior Discusses Becoming a Leader and Finding His Voice in High School
Amoni has become a champion for Goode’s early college program and will graduate with both a high school diploma and an associate degree.
28 May 2021
Part Four: This Is Why I Kept Teaching
Our three featured educators are back at Plamondon, Daley, and Fenger to close out the year with the students who have made everything worthwhile.