14 March 2022
Recognizing Those Who Led Me to Become Recognized
Mr. Jones sees this honor as an opportunity to inspire rather than a trophy for his own career.
11 March 2022
Meet a Golden Apple Finalist from Lake View High School
Ms. Ramaswamy focuses on making sure that her students’ identities and interests are reflected in the music that she selects.
09 March 2022
A Q&A with a Golden Apple Finalist from Gwendolyn Brooks College Prep
Mr. Ejzak says that his secret goal is to turn all of his students into lifelong readers.
09 March 2022
Simeon and Whitney Young Advance to State Basketball Championship
Congratulations to the Wolverines and the Dolphins!
07 March 2022
Sharing my Lifelong Passion for Dance with my Students
Ms. Jesionowski knows her students won’t remember every dance move they mastered in her class, but she wants them to always remember how they felt.
04 March 2022
A Q&A with a Golden Apple Finalist from Englewood STEM High School
Ms. Ponder-Ballard recognizes that every student has the potential to build the skills they need to thrive, such as confidence and self-advocacy.
02 March 2022
Get to Know a Golden Apple Finalist from Whitney Young High School
Ms. Boyle is honored to be a Golden Apple finalist given that CPS is teeming with great teachers.
28 February 2022
Reflecting on Black History Month with a South Side Principal
Principal Towner has made it a priority to incorporate more history, particularly African American studies, into what students are learning.
25 February 2022
Showing Students their Intrinsic Value
Ms. Vinson teaches her students that all people have value and all people are relevant to shaping our future.
23 February 2022
Enlightening the Next Generation of Change Makers
Ms. Brawner tries to help her students understand their heritage, both during Black History Month and the entire school year.
18 February 2022
The Importance of Recognizing the Past
Ms. Harris believes that if you lose your past, you risk repeating the mistakes of the past.
17 February 2022
Whitney Young Captures Boys and Girls Varsity Basketball Championships
Congratulations to the Dolphins!