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1814 S UNION Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60616


Rigorous Instruction

Data about how a school supports educators with strong instructional practices and how a school’s teaching practices meet district standards for high-quality learning for all students.

The district focuses on instruction that builds student agency and provides all students access to grade level content. Rigorous instruction includes culturally responsive practices that affirm student’s identities, voices, culture and histories. Rigorous instruction includes specially designed instruction (SDI) for students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), which ensures that teaching methods, content, and delivery are tailored to meet their unique needs. This allows students with IEPs to access and thrive within the district’s rigorous expectations. By setting high expectations and providing a supportive environment, the district believes students can thrive academically. The district also supports teachers with ongoing training to ensure they have the tools to help every student succeed.

To track this, the district looks at data from classroom observations, student feedback, and other sources.

How the District Supports Improvement

The district provides professional learning for educators to support improved instructional practices. In addition, the district provides access to a district observational tool to gather trend data on critical instructional practices aligned with empowered student learning. District wide surveys taken by students and staff provide insight into the climate and practices within the school which are leading indicators of school improvement.

Stay Tuned
We are currently collecting information for this section. Data will be available and published in 2025.

CPS | 400134