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1814 S UNION Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60616


Teacher and Staff Capacity

Data that provides insight into the experience, qualifications, and stability of a school’s teaching staff. It includes information on teacher vacancy rates, qualifications, and tenure, along with how engaged teachers feel in their roles.

The district values having experienced, skilled educators in every classroom and tracks teacher and staff mobility to develop effective strategies for retaining a diverse, high-quality workforce. To support this, the district invests in training, mentoring, and development opportunities, especially for new teachers and those working in high-needs areas, ensuring that every student benefits from knowledgeable and committed educators.

Why This Is Measured

Multi-tiered, high-quality induction systems ensure new teachers have a higher likelihood of retention in their school building - growing their professional practice and autonomy as educators - which research indicates leads to more affirming and inclusive learning experiences for students. In addition to new teacher retention, classroom teachers in teacher leader roles have increased likelihood of retention in their school building.

Questions to Ask Your School

  • What is the school level retention rate of all teachers and of new teachers?
  • Do new teachers have access to a school-based mentor?
  • Are new teachers welcomed via a school-based induction plan?

How the District Supports Improvement

In alignment with the CPS Teacher Induction & Mentoring Policy, the district funds and develops New Teacher Mentor roles at the school and district level to ensure all new to CPS teachers have access to mentor support. The district provides professional learning tailored to new and early career teacher professional needs, such as the annual New Teacher Orientation.

Stay Tuned
We are currently collecting information for this section. Data will be available and published in 2025.

CPS | 400134