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1814 S UNION Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60616


Distributed Leadership and Teacher Leader Development

Data that reflects how well a school supports and empowers teachers to take on leadership roles and work collaboratively to improve student learning.

Schools with strong distributed leadership foster a culture of trust, teamwork, and professional growth among staff. This includes having dedicated teams, such as Instructional Leadership, teacher teams, and Behavior Health Teams, who help guide school improvements. The district supports these efforts with training, coaching, resources and professional development opportunities, ensuring that teachers and staff can grow in their roles, improve the adult culture and positively impact students’ daily learning experiences.

Why This Is Measured

Strong distributive leadership creates the conditions for continuous improvement in schools. Intentional teacher leadership opportunities help create pathways for educators to grow and remain in classrooms, while supporting school improvement.

Questions to Ask Your School

Do educators get continuous opportunities to collaborate in a meaningful way that is focused on instructional practices and improvement?

How the District Supports Improvement

The district funds teacher leadership roles such as mentors for new teachers, team director roles, coaches and coordinators. The district provides funds for leadership team meetings, professional learning for leadership teams and resources to support growth.

Stay Tuned
We are currently collecting information for this section. Data will be available and published in 2025.

CPS | 400134