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1814 S UNION Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60616


High-Quality Curriculum

School-level information on whether students, across all grade levels and subjects, have access to high-quality curriculum that is standards-aligned, rigorous, and culturally responsive.

The district has set a goal for all schools to have a high-quality curriculum in place for all grade levels and core subjects by 2026. Ensuring all schools have access to a high-quality curriculum helps create better learning conditions and supports student success.

Skyline Curriculum

SY25 Curriculum Ratings

This table provides information about the quality of curriculum currently being used in School Year 2024-2025 (SY25). Most programs at the school will have a table that lists the curriculum used for each core subject area and grade band within the program. Curriculum can receive one of four ratings: high quality, not high quality, International Baccalaureate (IB) authorized, or not yet rated. At this time, the following table does not include information about Spanish Language Arts, Significantly Modified curriculum, or Pre-Kindergarten. The quality of curriculum in each of these instances is extremely important, and we look forward to being able to showcase how high-quality curriculum is being prioritized in these programs across the district in the coming months.

At this time, this section does not include information for Specialty Schools or Early Learning Centers. Additionally, the following table does not include information about Dual Language, Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE), Spanish Language Arts, Significantly Modified curriculum, or Pre-Kindergarten. The quality of curriculum in each of these instances is extremely important, and we look forward to being able to showcase how high-quality curriculum is being prioritized in these programs across the district in the coming months. Data will be available and published later this school year.

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