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Inside CPS

News and Stories from across the District

11 June 2019

Twins Awarded Gates Scholarships, Heading to Princeton and Yale

Graduating twin sisters and Gates Scholars Nannette and Naomi Beckley are headed to the Ivy League. The Gwendolyn Brooks College Preparatory Academy High School seniors have received prestigious full-tuition scholarships: Nannette will attend Princeton University and Naomi will attend Yale University.

03 June 2019

Meet the 2019 Civic Action Recognition Award Winners

We are proud to announce the winners of the first-ever Civic Action Recognition Awards, which CPS created in partnership with the Obama Foundation to recognize the students, educators, schools, and organizations who are empowering Chicago’s youth through their civic engagement efforts.

30 May 2019

Four CPS Seniors Share How They’ll Spend their Gap Year

Chicago Public Schools and Global Citizen Year have come together to offer a select group of CPS graduates an opportunity to immerse themselves in a new culture in countries like Brazil, Senegal, and Ecuador before pursuing postsecondary education. The fellows will live with a host family and take advantage of apprenticeships that focus on local projects around education, health or the environment.

09 May 2019

Franklin Fine Arts Teacher, Former Student, Advocate for The Arts

First-grade teacher Alyssa Dee teaches at the very school she attended from second to eighth grade, Franklin Fine Arts Center.

07 May 2019

Science Teacher Overcame Rough Start, Now Encourages Students

Meet math and science teacher Karolina Towner, a former Michigan State University Urban STEM fellow who teaches at Albany Park Multicultural Elementary School in the Albany Park neighborhood. 

06 May 2019

Former Investment Banker Pursues Teaching Career

Robert Clarke teaches AP Calculus at Solorio High School.

06 May 2019

A Note of Appreciation to our Teachers

In celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week, we want to thank all of our teachers for their dedication and commitment to our students. As proud CPS graduates, we can personally attest to the profound impact teachers have on their students and school communities.

24 April 2019

Celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week 2019

Join us in celebrating Chicago’s amazing teachers the week of May 6-10. We created a social media toolkit has avatars, shareable graphics, and ideas for how you can join in the celebration. Use #thankateacher and please tag us at @ChiPubSchools so we can retweet, repost, and share your appreciation for our awesome teachers.

12 April 2019

Nine-Year-Old Web Developer, Class, Visit Famous Fossil Lab

Thanks to nine-year-old Robert Young, creator of the website Dinology, a third-grade class at Edwards Elementary was treated to a visit to the University of Chicago’s Fossil Lab guided by world-renowned paleontologist Paul Sereno.

12 April 2019

Safe Haven Sites Open to Students During Spring Break

All CPS students are welcome at Safe Haven sites throughout Spring Break (April 15-19) between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., and meals will be provided at all locations.

09 April 2019

Students from Lindblom's Arabic Class Head to Morocco

Nine students from Lindblom Math and Science Academy’s Arabic World Language program will say goodbye to American soil and travel to Morocco over spring break. For 10 days, students will explore five cities, live with local families, and apply what they’ve learned from their studies in the real world.

27 March 2019

Success Starts Here

Following an extensive engagement process, we launched a new five-year vision on Tuesday that incorporates feedback from families and educators. This vision builds on the core commitments that remain at the heart of who we are: academic progress, financial stability, and integrity.