Section 301: Administrative Organization
Section 302: Administrative Procedures
- 302.1: Criteria Governing Determination of Educational Crisis
- 302.2: Naming or Renaming of a School, Mascot, Logo, Learning Environment, and Physical Marker
- 302.6 Resolution Rescinding School Quality Rating Policy and Determining School Accountability Statuses for School Year 2023-2024 (Based on 2022-2023 Performance)
- 302.8 Compensation and Pay Plan
- 302.9 Paid Time Off
- 302.10 Charter School Academic Accountability
- 302.11 Under-Enrolled Schools
- 302.12 Accelerated Placement
- 302.13 Options School Accountability
- 302.14 Identifying Schools In Good Standing, Remediation And Probation In Compliance With State Law
- 302.15 Continuous Improvement and Data Transparency
Section 401: Fiscal and Business Management
- 401.1 Consolidated Cash Usage
- 401.6 Debarment
- 401.7 Local School Council Fund-Raising
- 401.9 Asset and Inventory Management
- 401.10 Internal Control Monitoring
- 401.14 Auditor Independence and Provision of Consulting Services by External Auditors
- 401.15 Fleet Management
- 401.16 E-Rate Management
- 401.17 Extend and Amend the Remedial Program for Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Participation in Construction Services
- 401.18Extend and Amend the Remedial Program for Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Participation in Goods and Services
- 401.20 Accounts Receivable
- 401.21 School Internal Accounts Management
- 401.22 Procurement Card
- 401.23 Accounting and Financial Reporting for Capital Assets
Section 402: Transfer of Funds
Section 403: Revenue and Investments
- 403.1 Chicago Public Schools Investment
- 403.3 Acceptance of All Grants, Gifts and Donations
- 403.5 Sharing Lease Income From School Property
- 403.6 Method of Recognizing Revenues
- 403.7 Imposition of Charges on Returned Payment Instruments
- 403.8 Grant Administration
- 403.9 Commercial Activity
- 403.10 Fund Balance and Budget Management
Section 404: Debt
Section 405: Payment Procedures
Section 406: Accounting/Audits
Section 407: Food Service
Section 408: Student Fees
- 408.1 Waiver of School Fees
- 408.2 Guidelines for Establishing Elementary and High School Student Fees
Section 409: Safety
Section 410: Facilities
Section 500A: Employee Discipline
Section 501: Equal Employment Opportunity
Section 502: Residency
Section 503: Ethics
Section 504: Professional Personnel, Employment
- 504.1 Principal Eligibility
- 504.2 Layoff of Teachers
- 504.6 Teacher Induction and Mentoring
- 504.10 Pre-Service Teacher
Section 505: Educational Support Personnel, Employment
Section 506: Consultants
Section 507: Employee Work Related Expenses
Section 508: Medical
Section 509: Sexual Harassment
Section 510: Communicable and Chronic Infections and Disease
Section 511: Reporting of Abused and Neglected Children
Section 512: Recognition for Service
Section 513: Leaves of Absence
Section 601: Philosophy and Goals
- 601.6 Homeschooling
- 601.8 Chicago Public Schools Athletics Constitution and ByLaws
- 601.9 Essa Comparability of Services
- 601.10 Education of Students with Disabilities
Section 602: Organization of Instruction
- 602.1 Middle Grades Specialization
- 602.2 Admissions Policy for Magnet, Selective Enrollment and Other GoCPS Schools and Programs
- 602.5 Governance of Alternative and Small Schools
- 602.6 Remote Education
Section 603: Bilingual Education
Section 604: Instructional Resources
- 604.1 Staff Acceptable Use
- 604.2 Student Acceptable Use
- 604.3 Student Travel
- 604.6 Aquatic Activity Safety
- 604.7 Collection Development
- 604.8 Internet Safety
- 604.9 Cursive Writing Instruction
- 604.10 Student Online Personal Protection
Section 605: Promotion, Credits, Graduation
- 605.1 High School Promotion
- 605.2 Elementary School Promotion
- 605.3 Minimum High School Graduation Requirements
- 605.4 Granting Credit Towards Graduation for Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment Courses
- 605.5 Awarding High School Credit and Competency for Placement for High School Level Courses Taken by Elementary Students
- 605.6 Scholastic Eligibility for Interscholastic Sports and Activities
- 605.7 Grade Change
- 605.8 Awarding Credits and Diplomas to Students with Disabilities Enrolled in Non-Public Programs
- 605.9 Physical Education
- 605.10 Veterans Diploma
- 605.11 Granting Credit Toward High School Graduation For Courses Taken Through Internet-Based Delivery
- 605.13 Grade Point Average
Section 701: Equity
Section 702: Enrollment and Transfer
- 702.1 Enrollment and Transfer of Students in the Chicago Public Schools
- 702.3 Controlled Enrollment of Elementary and High Schools
- 702.5 Education of Homeless Children and Youth
- 702.6 Provision of School Bus Transportation to Students Participating in Designated Chicago Public School Programs
Section 703: Attendance
Section 704: Student Health
- 704.2 Administration of Medication
- 704.3 Comprehensive Student Substance Use Prevention and Intervention (K-12)
- 704.4 Domestic Violence and Dating Violence
- 704.5 Whole School Safety
- 704.6 Sexual Health Education
- 704.7 Local School Wellness Policy for Students
- 704.9 Concussion Management
- 704.12 Chronic Conditions Management
- 704.13 Comprehensive Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Section 705: Student Discipline
- 705.1 Reciprocal Records Agreement Between Chicago Public Schools and Chicago Police Department
- 705.4 Behavioral Interventions, Physical Restraints, Time Outs, and Momentary Physical Intervention for Students
- 705.5 Student Code of Conduct
- 705.5A Addressing Bullying and Bias-Based Behaviors
- 705.6 Procedures for Interviewing Students in Chicago Public Schools
Section 706: Student Records
- 706.1 Student Records Management and Retention
- 706.3 Parent and Student Rights of Access to and Confidentiality of Student Records
- 706.4 Student Information Management System
Section 707: Dress Code
Section 708: Post Secondary Education & Career Development
- Policy and Rules /
- Policies
- Policies Index