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Identifying Schools In Good Standing, Remediation And Probation In Compliance With State Law

Section 302.14 | Board Report 23-1214-PO2 | Date Adopted December 14, 2023

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That the Board rescind 22-0727-RS1, 23-0426-PO3, 23-0726-PO2, and adopt this new consolidated Policy Identifying Schools in Good Standing, Remediation and Probation in Compliance with State Law. This policy was posted for public comment from September 29, 2023 until November 10, 2023.

105 ILCS 5/34-8.3 requires the CEO to monitor the performance of schools within the district and to identify schools on remediation or probation. This policy sets forth the process through which district-managed schools at Chicago Public Schools ("CPS" or "District") are identified as such for the purpose of ensuring the Board is in compliance with State law. In 22-0727-RS1, the Board resolved to identify elementary and high schools in Good Standing, Remediation, and Probation for the 2023-2024 school year based on 2022-2023 performance. In 23-0426-PO3, the Board resolved to apply a similar framework to District elementary and high schools.

In 23-0726-PO2, the Board articulated the policy by which accountability statuses would be defined for Specialty High Schools and Detention Center Schools.

In 23-0125-PO2, the Board articulated the policy by which Options schools performance would be evaluated both for contracting purposes (for charter and contract Options schools) and to establish accountability statuses (for District-managed Options schools).

I. Accountability Status Determination (Elementary and Traditional High School)

The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) releases annual school summative designations for every school in Illinois in accordance with the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). For all years until 2023, ISBE's ESSA plan designated each school as either Exemplary, Commendable, Targeted, or Comprehensive. Schools designated by the state as Targeted or Comprehensive shall, per federal law, receive supplemental state and federal funds to access additional support to improve in the areas that placed them under these designations. In addition, the CEO or Board has the authority to address performance as outlined in State Law.

In May 2023, the U.S. Department of Education approved ISBE's revised ESSA plan, necessitating a corresponding revision of District policy. Namely, ISBE added a fifth designation (i.e., Intensive) that will apply to schools who have not improved their performance after a four-year improvement cycle.

Beginning in Fall 2023, the District will report for compliance using state Annual Summative Designations for each CPS school eligible for a designation under State law.1

  • Schools newly established by the Board will remain in Good Standing status until they serve a majority of grade levels and thereafter will receive an updated designation based on state designations once such data becomes available.
  • All schools designated as "Intensive" by ISBE shall receive a Probation status, which indicates the need for Intensive Support for the duration of the status.
  • All schools designated as "Comprehensive" for two consecutive years by ISBE shall receive a Probation status, which indicates the need for Intensive Support for the duration of the status.
  • Schools with a current Probation status that are designated as "Targeted" or "Comprehensive" by ISBE shall retain Probation status, which indicates the need for Intensive Support for the duration of the status.
  • All schools with no current Probation status and designated as "Targeted" by ISBE shall receive a Remediation status, which indicates the need for Targeted Support for the duration of the status. Remediation status shall also apply to schools with no current Probation status and only one year of "Comprehensive" designation from ISBE.
  • All schools designated as "Exemplary" or "Commendable" by ISBE shall receive a designation of Good Standing.

The state summative designations are only designed to accurately reflect student performance in traditional elementary and high schools and are not appropriate for Options Schools, Specialty High Schools (i.e., Southside Occupational Academy, Vaughn Occupational, Northside Learning Center, and Graham Training Center), or Detention Center Schools. The criteria for defining accountability statuses for these schools are outlined in the sections below.

II. Accountability Status Determination (District-Managed Options Schools)

Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year (using data from the 2023-2024 school year), the District will assign school accountability statuses to District-managed Options schools in accordance with Illinois state law using the points system described in Sections II.A and II.B below. The three categories that will be used for district-managed options schools are Good Standing, Remediation, and Probation. Using the weighted total scores, schools will be assigned to these categories as follows:

Summative Score Accountability Status
≥3.0 Good Standing
2.0-2.9 Remediation/Provisional Support
< 2.0 Probation/Intensive Support

II.A. Definitions

Weighting and Weighted Points

Points For each indicator in the model, schools can earn between 1 and 5 points for reaching progressive benchmarks of performance.
Weighting Each indicator has a specific weight in the model. Weights may be different based on the number and type of indicators that are available to a particular school, but the sum of the weights for the school will always be 100%.
Weighted Score The points received for each indicator are multiplied by their weight and then added together. The resulting weighted score will be between 1 and 5. Indicators with larger weights will play a bigger role in determining the school's overall weighted score.

Average Student Growth Percentile on STAR Assessment

Definition Average fall-to-spring, fall-to-wRoboto, or wRoboto-to-spring growth percentile of students on the STAR reading and math assessments.
How it is calculated For each school, an average student growth percentile will be calculated from available individual growth percentiles from fall-to-spring, fall-to-wRoboto, or wRoboto-to-spring windows.
Included Students Yearly, students are counted once per subject. For example, if a student has fall-to-spring growth, the student's fall-to-wRoboto and wRoboto-to-spring percentiles are not used.

Percent of Students Making Growth Targets on STAR Reading and Math

Definition Percentage of students with a growth percentile of 40 or higher on the STAR reading and math assessments.
How it is calculated Numerator: Number of students with a growth percentile of 40 or higher on the STAR assessment.
Denominator: Number of students with valid pretest and posttest scores on the STAR assessment.
Included Students Yearly, students are counted once per subject. For example, if a student has fall-to-spring growth, the student's fall-to-wRoboto and wRoboto-to-spring percentiles are not used.
Notes This indicator is calculated separately for reading and math.

1-Year Graduation Rate

Definition Percent of graduation-eligible students who graduate by the end of the school year.
How it is calculated Numerator: Number of students who graduate at any point during the school year
Denominator: Number of students who, at the beginning of the school year or at the time of enrollment, have sufficient credits such that they could graduate by the end of the school year if they took a full course load.
Student Population Included: graduation-eligible students; students who graduated, including summer graduates.
Excluded: Verified transfers are excluded from the calculation.
Notes The definition of "full course load" will be individualized per the program model. Transcripts must be updated in SIM by a date to be communicated by the Office of Accountability for students to be considered as graduates.

Credit Attainment Rate

Definition The average percentage of students' expected credits that they successfully earn.
How it is calculated Metric: The average pass rate for included students.
Pass Rate Numerator: The total credits earned by each student
Pass Rate Denominator: The total expected credit attainment for each student
Included Students This metric is limited to students in grades 9-12.
Students with no expected credits are excluded.
Notes Each student's total expected credits are based on their enrollment date and duration, as detailed in the Options Credit Attainment Rate Metric Guide (See ‘Traditionally Scheduled Schools').
Final grades must be entered within 30 days after the last CPS student attendance day to be included in the calculation. Grade changes submitted past this deadline will not be included in the credit attainment rate. Missing grades or grades entered as slashes will be defaulted to course failures (Fs).
Credits earned during the summer are not included in the calculation of this metric.

Stabilization Rate

Definition Percent of stable students who are enrolled at the end of the school year, completed the program, or successfully transitioned to another CPS school.
How it is calculated Numerator: Number of stable students who enrolled at any time during the year and are enrolled at the end of the year, complete the program, exit the system due to age requirements, or successfully transition to another CPS school.
Denominator: Number of stable students enrolled at any time during the year, excluding students with a non-dropout leave code or a verified out-of-district transfer.
Included Students Stable refers to students who have accumulated at least 45 membership days. Unverified out-of-district transfers whose transfer took place in the last 150 calendar days of the school year are not counted as dropouts in this rate.

Average Daily Attendance Rate

Definition Percentage of the total number of days in which students during the school year were marked present at a school, divided by the total number of days that those students were expected to be in attendance.
How it is calculated Numerator: The sum of days in which students were marked present.
Denominator: The sum of days that students were "in membership" at the school. Students are considered to be in membership if the student is enrolled in the school and school is in session that day.
Included Students For Option Schools, only one attendance rate will be calculated that will include all students. Students are attributed to each school in which they were enrolled, but only for the days in which they were enrolled in that school.
Notes This metric uses unadjusted attendance rate, consistent with publicly reported district attendance data.

Growth in Attendance Rate

Definition Percent of stable students who show an improvement of at least three percentage points in their individual daily attendance rates at an option school compared to their daily attendance rate in the previous school year.
How it is calculated Numerator: Number of stable students whose current year attendance rate at their school of enrollment is at least three percentage points greater than their average year-end attendance rate during the previous school year, or who have maintained a 90% attendance rate in the current year.
Denominator: Number of stable students with documented current year attendance.
Included Students Stable refers to students who have accumulated at least 45 membership days.
Notes Students without documented attendance from the previous school year who have at least 45 days of membership are assumed to have a 0% prior-year attendance rate.
Students with at least 45 days of membership are included in the calculation of the rate even if they subsequently transfer out. The rate calculated for the students will only include membership days accumulated at the option school, though a student may be counted in the rate for more than one option school if they have 45 membership days or more at each. The 45 days required for inclusion do not have to be consecutive.
Attendance days in the prior year that are accumulated at correctional facility schools (i.e., Jefferson or York) are not included in the prior year attendance rate for this comparison.
For Simpson HS, this comparison is only made if the student was at Simpson in both the prior year and current year.
This metric uses unadjusted attendance rate, consistent with publicly reported district attendance data.

Percentage of Graduates Earning Early College & Career Credentials

Definition Percent of graduates in the school year who have earned at least one credit from an approved early college course, a 3+ on an AP exam, a 4+ on an IB exam, an approved career credential, or the State Seal of Biliteracy.
How it is calculated Numerator: Number of students graduating from the school to which they are annualized during their graduation year with one of the credentials listed above
Denominator: Number of students who graduated in the school year and whose enrollment was annualized to the school during the school year.
Included Students Includes all graduates in the most recent year, regardless of their freshman cohort. In the case where a graduate is reactivated and re-graduated, that student is NOT counted in their second graduating class; they are only accounted for in their first graduating class.
Students earning multiple credentials are only counted once in the measure.
Notes Early college courses and career certifications will need to be pre-approved to count in the indicator. Schools will have the opportunity to view pre-approved courses and certification or apply for approval for additional offerings. All the early college and career credentials a student earns during their high school career count, regardless of which school they attended when they earned it.
Final grades must be entered within 30 days after the last CPS student attendance day to be included in the calculation. Grade changes submitted past this deadline will not be included. Missing grades or grades entered as slashes will be defaulted to course failures (Fs).
JROTC qualifies as a career credential. In order to count positively in a school's metric, a JROTC cadet must complete both semesters of JROTC III and JROTC IV with an average JROTC GPA of 2.0 in these four courses. Any F's that are not retaken will disqualify the student from earning the JROTC career credential.

Percentage of Students Completing a Concrete Post Secondary Plan Via Learn.Plan.Succeed

Definition Percentage of students who have submitted evidence of a concrete postsecondary plan during their senior year.
How it is calculated Numerator: Number of annualized seniors who provided evidence of a concrete postsecondary plan by the date of current year summer school graduation.
Denominator: The number of students who met the following conditions:
  • Annualized to a CPS school
  • Minimum 45 membership days
  • Annualized to 12th grade OR Has a leave code of 55 by the end of the most recent summer school session
Included Students All seniors annualized to district-managed schools, including early graduates, with the following exceptions:
  • Students that are approved for an LPS waiver are excluded from the metric.
  • Students with verified out-of-district transfer or non-dropout leave codes are excluded from the metric.
  • Students who had unverified transfers or dropout leave codes, regardless of the number of membership days, are excluded from the metric.
  • Retained for transition students will only be included for the year in which they met graduation requirements.
Notes The following are examples of concrete plans:
  • 2- or 4-year College - Financial Aid Notice or Acceptance Letter
  • Military - Enlistment Contract or Confirmation of Application to Military Branch
  • Apprenticeship Program - Acceptance Letter or Confirmation from Apprenticeship Program Indicating Receipt of Complete Application
  • Job Training Program - Acceptance Letter or Confirmation from Job Training Program Indicating Receipt of Complete Application
  • Work - Offer Letter OR Employer Letter Stating Continuation of Employment OR Confirmation from an Employer Indicating Receipt of Employment Application
  • Service Learning or Gap Year Program - Acceptance Letter or Confirmation Indicating Receipt of Complete Application

My Voice, My School 5 Essentials Survey

Definition Overall rating of the school on the 5 Essentials survey administered in the spring to students and teachers.
How it is calculated Ratings are calculated by the Consortium on Chicago School Research at the University of Chicago (CCSR). The overall rating of the school is determined using data from all 5 Essentials, or from whatever combination of essentials for which the school has sufficient data. For more information on the 5 Essentials survey, visit
Included Students Students in grades 6-12 and all teachers are given the opportunity to complete the survey.
Notes A school must have a 50% response rate to receive a rating. If the school has a 50% response rate among teachers but not students, the school will only have sufficient data for three of the five Essentials. If the school has a 50% response rate among students but not teachers, the school will only have sufficient data for two of the five Essentials and will only be eligible for a rating of "Partially Organized," "Moderately Organized," or "Organized."

II.B. Options School Accountability Indicators, Standards, and Scoring

The indicators and standards and related points that determine an options school’s summative rating are as follows:

Options School Performance Indicator 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
1. Average Growth Percentile on STAR Reading Assessment 60th percentile or higher Between 50th and 59th percentile Between 40th and 49th percentile Between 30th and 39th percentile Below 30th percentile
2. Average Growth Percentile on STAR Math Assessment 60th percentile or higher Between 50th and 59th percentile Between 40th and 49th percentile Between 30th and 39th percentile Below 30th percentile
3. Percentage of Students Making Growth Targets on STAR Reading Assessment Greater than or equal to 65% Between 55% and 64.9% Between 45% and 54.9% Between 35% and 44.9% Less than 35%
4. Percentage of Students Making Growth Targets on STAR Math Assessment Greater than or equal to 65% Between 55% and 64.9% Between 45% and 54.9% Between 35% and 44.9% Less than 35%
5. One-Year Graduation Rate Greater than or equal to 90% Between 80% and 89.9% Between 70% and 79.9% Between 60% and 69.9% Less than 60%
6. Credit Attainment Rate Greater than or equal to 70% Between 60% and 69.9% Between 50% and 59.9% Between 40% and 49.9% Less than 40%
7. Stabilization Rate Greater than or equal to 90% Between 80% and 89.9% Between 70% and 79.9% Between 60% and 69.9% Less than 60%
8. Average Daily Attendance Rate Greater than or equal to 90% Between 80% and 89.9% Between 70% and 79.9% Between 60% and 69.9% Less than 60%
9. Growth in Attendance Rate Greater than or equal to 90% Between 80% and 89.9% Between 70% and 79.9% Between 60% and 69.9% Less than 60%
10. Percentage of Graduates Earning a 3+ on an AP Exam, a 4+ on an IB Exam, the State Seal of Biliteracy, an Approved Early College Credit and/or an Approved Career Credential Greater than or equal to 25% Between 20%- 24.9% Between 10% and 19.9% Between 5% and 9.9% Less than 5%
12. Percentage of Students Completing a Concrete Post Secondary Plan Via Learn.Plan.Succeed 95% or higher Between 90% and 94% Between 80% and 89% Between 70% and 79% Less than 70%
13. My Voice, My School 5 Essentials Survey Well Organized Organized Moderately Organized Partially Organized Not Yet Organized

For each of the above indicators that is based on STAR, a school must meet minimum participation requirements to receive the full points. A minimum participation requirement is established to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to participate in the instruction and assessment process. The points received for each indicator will be adjusted as follows based on participation rates, with a school receiving no less than one point for each indicator:

STAR Participation Rate Point Adjustment
Greater than or equal to 90% No adjustment
Greater than or equal to 85% but less than 90% -1 point
Greater than or equal to 80% but less than 85% -2 points
Greater than or equal to 75% but less than 80% -3 points
Less than 75% -4 points

Standard Options School Weights

Options School Indicator Weight for SY23-24 and beyond
Applies to SY25 and beyond Accountability
1. Average Growth Percentile on STAR Reading Assessment 10%
2. Average Growth Percentile on STAR Math Assessment 10%
3. Percent Making Growth Targets on STAR Reading Assessment 10%
4. Percent Making Growth Targets on STAR Math Assessment 10%
5. One-Year Graduation Rate 10%
6. Credit Attainment Rate 10%
7. Stabilization Rate 5%
8. Average Daily Attendance Rate 10%
9. Growth in Attendance Rate 5%
10. Early College and Career Credentials 5%
11. Percentage of Graduates Completing a Concrete Post Secondary Plan via Learn.Plan.Succeed 5%
12. My Voice, My School 5 Essentials Survey 10%

The school will receive between 1 and 5 points for each indicator, which will then be multiplied by the weight of the indicator to calculate the weighted points for each indicator. For example:

Growth in Attendance Rate 90 Percentile th 5 points 12.5% 0.625 Indicator Points Weight Weighted Points School’s Result

III. Accountability Status Determination (Specialty High Schools and Detention Center Schools)

Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year (using data from the 2023-2024 school year), the District will assign school accountability statuses to District-managed Specialty High Schools and Detention Center Schools in accordance with Illinois state law using the points system described in Sections III.A and III.B below. The three categories that will be used for district-managed Specialty High Schools and Detention Center Schools are Good Standing, Remediation, and Probation. Using the weighted total scores, schools will be assigned to these categories as follows:

Summative Score Accountability Status
≥3.0 Good Standing
2.0-2.9 Remediation/Targeted Support
< 2.0 Probation/Comprehensive Support

III.A. Definitions:

Accountability Status Status of the school established by this policy. A school may receive an Accountability Status of “Probation” (denoting the need for Comprehensive Support), “Remediation” (denoting the need for Targeted Support), or “Good Standing”.
Average Daily Attendance Rate Shall mean the total number of actual student attendance days divided by the number of total student membership days.
Career Credential Shall mean a credential received for the successful completion of a specific course sequence approved by CPS that qualifies a student/graduate for employment in a specific career. The courses eligible for Career Credential credit under this policy are subject to approval by CPS.
Career Credentialed Status A designation denoting when a student has engaged in and completed a sufficient number of activities supporting a successful transition to the workplace to be considered ready to engage in a career outside of school.
Credit Attainment Rate The average percentage of students’ expected credits that they successfully earn. Each student’s total expected credits are based on their enrollment date and duration, as detailed in the Options Credit Attainment Rate Metric Guide (See ‘Traditionally Scheduled Schools’).
Data Quality Index (“DQI”) The percentage of data quality indicators that measure whether a school has recorded correct, complete, and compliant data in CPS data systems. The DQI score considered under this policy includes the “Attendance”, “Registration and Enrollment”, “Student Contact Information”, and “Student Health” sections of the DQI reported on the CPS Dashboard.
Detention Center School CPS detention center schools serve students who have been detained in the justice system. These schools include:
  • Jefferson High School
    • Housed inside of the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center
  • York High School
    • Housed inside the Cook County Department of Corrections
Freshman On-Track Rate The percentage of first-time freshman students who earn five credits in their freshman year and fail no more than one semester core course (English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science).
Good Standing An accountability designation assigned to schools where the CEO determines, based on the criteria set out in this policy, that student performance and improvement meets or exceeds district standards.
IEP and Annual Review Compliance Measures the extent to which student Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are in compliance with state and federal law.
My Voice, My school 5 Essentials Survey Annual school climate and culture survey administered by the Consortium on Chicago School Research at the University of Chicago to teachers and students, the results of which are aggregated and determine the school’s overall foundation rating.
One-Year Dropout Rate The percentage of students in grades 9 through 12 enrolled in the school at any time between July 1 and June 30 of the school year who drop out at any time during the year. The calculation used in this Accountability Policy will exclude students who had previously dropped out of school during the past two years.
One-Year Graduation Rate Percentage of students with sufficient credits to be able to graduate within one year who graduate by the end of the school year.
Points For each indicator in the model, schools can earn between 1 and 5 points for reaching progressive benchmarks of performance.
Probation An accountability designation assigned to non-performing schools where the CEO determines, utilizing the criteria set out in this policy, that a school requires remedial measures beyond what is otherwise available under Remediation to address the school’s performance defined by this policy. This Accountability Rating indicates the need for comprehensive support and in implementing this policy the CEO or designee may also refer to this accountability designation as “Comprehensive Support”.
Remediation An accountability designation assigned to non-performing schools where the CEO determines, utilizing the criteria set out in this policy, that a school requires remedial measures as described in this policy, including increased support, to address performance deficiencies. This accountability rating indicates the need for targeted support and in implementing this policy the CEO or designee may also refer to this accountability designation as “Targeted Support”.
Specialty High School CPS specialty high schools and transition learning centers provide specialized education for high school students with mild to moderate cognitive disabilities. Programs capitalize on student Robotoest and strength while preparing them to become members of the community.
  • Southside Occupational School (Grade 12 until age 22)
  • Ray Graham Training Center (Grade 12 until age 22)
  • Vaughn High School (Grade 9 until age 22)
  • Northside Learning Center (Grade 9 until age 22)
Student Portfolio Completion For Detention Center Schools only. This metric measures the percentage of students that sufficiently complete a portfolio of work and lessons. Student portfolios are intended to support successful transition into subsequent school placements. See the Student Portfolio metric guide for portfolio completion criteria.
Summary of Performance Compliance The percentage of graduates with a valid summary of performance document, per guidelines from the Office of Diverse Learners Support Services.
Transition Plan Compliance The percentage of students with a transition plan that meets state requirements.
Weighting Each indicator has a specific weight in the model. Weights may be different based on the number and type of indicators that are available to a particular school, but the sum of the weights for the school will always be 100%.
Weighted Score The points received for each indicator are multiplied by their weight and then added together. The resulting weighted score will be between 1 and 5. Indicators with larger weights will play a bigger role in determining the school’s overall weighted score.

III.B. Accountability Indicators, Standards, and Scoring

  1. Specialty School Accountability

    • Specialty School Performance Indicators - Model A

      Specialty School Performance Indicators under model A are applied to Vaughn High School and Northside Learning Center. The indicators and standards and related points that determine a Specialty School’s Summative Score under model A are as follows:

      Specialty School Performance Indicator Model A 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
      1. Percentage of Students Earning Career/Postsecondary Credentials 40% or higher Between 30% and 39.9% Between 20% and 29.9% Between 10% and 19.9% Less than 10%
      2. Freshman On-Track Rate 90% or higher Between 80% and 89.9% Between 70% and 79.9% Between 60% and 69.9% Less than 60%
      3. One-Year Graduation Rate Greater than or equal to 90% Between 80% and 89.9% Between 70% and 79.9% Between 60% and 69.9% Less than 60%
      4. Average Daily Attendance Rate 95% or higher Between 90% and 94.9% Between 85% and 89.9% Between 80% and 84.9% Less than 80%
      5. Percentage of Transition Plans in Compliance Greater than or equal to 99% Between 95% and 98.9% Between 90% and 94.9% Between 85% and 89.9% Less than 85%
      6. Percentage of Graduates with an Approved Summary of Performance Plan Greater than or equal to 99% Between 95% and 98.9% Between 86% and 94.9% Between 80% and 85.9% Less than 80%
      7. Percentage of IEP Annual Reviews in Compliance 95% or higher Between 90% and 94.9% Between 85% and 89.9% Between 80% and 84.9% Less than 80%
      8. Percentage of IEP Evaluations in Compliance 95% or higher Between 90% and 94.9% Between 85% and 89.9% Between 80% and 84.9% Less than 80%
      9. Data Quality Index Greater than or equal to 99% Between 95% and 98.9% Between 90% and 94.9% Between 85% and 89.9% Less than 85%
      10. My Voice, My School 5 Essentials Survey Well Organized Organized Moderately Organized Partially Organized Not Yet Organized
      11. 1-Year Dropout Rate 2% or below Between 2.1% and 4% Between 4.1 and 6% Between 6.1% and 8% More than 8%
    • Specialty School Performance Indicators - Model B

      Specialty School Performance Indicators under model B are applied to Southside Occupational School and Ray Graham Training Center. The indicators and standards and related points that determine a Specialty School’s Summative Score under model B are as follows:

      Specialty School Performance Indicator Model B 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 points
      1. Percentage of Students Earning Career/Postsecondary Credentials 40% or higher Between 30% and 39.9% Between 20% and 29.9% Between 10% and 19.9% Less than 10%
      2. One-Year Graduation Rate Greater than or equal to 90% Between 80% and 89.9% Between 70% and 79.9% Between 60% and 69.9% Less than 60%
      3. Average Daily Attendance Rate 95% or higher Between 90% and 94.9% Between 85% and 89.9% Between 80% and 84.9% Less than 80%
      4. Percentage of Transition Plans in Compliance Greater than or equal to 99% Between 95% and 98.9% Between 90% and 94.9% Between 85% and 89.9% Less than 85%
      5. Percentage of Graduates with an Approved Summary of Performance Plan Greater than or equal to 99% Between 95% and 98.9% Between 86% and 94.9% Between 80% and 85.9% Less than 80%
      6. Percentage of IEP Annual Reviews in Compliance 95% or higher Between 90% and 94.9% Between 85% and 89.9% Between 80% and 84.9% Less than 80%
      7. Percentage of IEP Evaluations in Compliance 95% or higher Between 90% and 94.9% Between 85% and 89.9% Between 80% and 84.9% Less than 80%
      8. Data Quality Index Greater than or equal to 99% Between 95% and 98.9% Between 90% and 94.9% Between 85% and 89.9% Less than 85%
      9. My Voice, My School 5 Essentials Survey Well Organized Organized Moderately Organized Partially Organized Not Yet Organized
      10. 1-Year Dropout Rate 2% or below Between 2.1% and 4% Between 4.1 and 6% Between 6.1% and 8% More than 8%
    • Specialty School Weighting of Performance Indicators

      Each School Summative Score is determined by applying a weight to the points earned for each performance indicator identified above. Each Specialty School performance indicator and its respective weighting is set forth below. The CEO or designee may modify the applicable weights in instances where a school’s data for a particular performance indicator is unavailable, incomplete or unreliable.

      Specialty School Indicator

      Model A

      Weight for SY23-24 Performance and Beyond

      Applies to SY25 Accountability and Beyond

      Model B

      Weight for SY23-24 Performance and Beyond

      Applies to SY25 Accountability and Beyond

      1. Percentage of Students Earning Career/Postsecondary Credentials 20% 20%
      2. Freshman On-Track Rate 20% 0%
      3. One-Year Graduation Rate 15% 15%
      4. Average Daily Attendance Rate 10% 10%
      5. Percentage of Transition Plans in Compliance 5% 10%
      6. Percentage of Graduates with an Approved Summary of Performance Plan 5% 10%
      7. Percentage of IEP Annual Reviews in Compliance 5% 10%
      8. Percentage of IEP Evaluations in Compliance 5% 10%
      9. Data Quality Index 5% 5%
      10. My Voice, My School 5 Essentials Survey 5% 5%
      11. 1-Year Dropout Rate 5% 5%
  2. Detention Center School Accountability

    • Detention Center School Performance Indicators

      Detention Center School performance indicators are applied to Jefferson High School and York High School. The indicators and standards and related points that determine a Detention Center School’s summative score are as follows:

      Detention School Performance Indicator 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
      1. Average Growth Percentile on STAR Reading Assessment 50th percentile or higher Between 40th and 49th percentile Between 30th and 39th percentile Between 20th and 29th percentile Below 20th percentile
      2. Average Growth Percentile on STAR Math Assessment 50th percentile or higher Between 40th and 49th percentile Between 30th and 39th percentile Between 20th and 29th percentile Below 20th percentile
      3. Percentage of Students Making Growth Targets on STAR Reading Assessment Greater than or equal to 55% Between 45% and 54.9% Between 35% and 44.9% Between 25% and 34.9% Less than 25%
      4. Percentage of Students Making Growth Targets on STAR Math Assessment Greater than or equal to 55% Between 45% and 54.9% Between 35% and 44.9% Between 25% and 34.9% Less than 25%
      5. One-Year Graduation Rate Greater than or equal to 90% Between 80% and 89.9% Between 70% and 79.9% Between 60% and 69.9% Less than 60%
      6. Credit Attainment Rate Greater than or equal to 70% Between 60% and 69.9% Between 50% and 59.9% Between 40% and 49.9% Less than 40%
      7. SAT Participation Rate Greater than or equal to 90% Between 85% and 89.9% Between 80% and 84.9% Between 75% and 79.9% Less than 75%
      8. My Voice, My School 5 Essentials Survey Well Organized Organized Moderately Organized Partially Organized Not Yet Organized
      9. Student Portfolio Completion Greater than or equal to 95% Between 90% and 94.9% Between 85% and 89.9% Between 80% and 84.9% Less than 80%

      For each of the above indicators that is based on STAR, a school must meet minimum participation requirements to receive the full points. A minimum participation requirement is established to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to participate in the instruction and assessment process. The points received for each indicator will be adjusted as follows based on participation rates, with a school receiving no less than one point for each indicator:

      STAR Participation Rate Point Adjustment
      Greater than or equal to 90% No adjustment
      Greater than or equal to 85% but less than 90% -1 point
      Greater than or equal to 80% but less than 85% -2 points
      Greater than or equal to 75% but less than 80% -3 points
      Less than 75% -4 points
    • Detention Center School Weighting of Performance Indicators

      Each School summative score is determined by applying a weight to the points earned for each performance indicator identified above. Each Detention Center School performance indicator and its respective weighting is set forth below. The CEO or designee may modify the applicable weights in instances where a school’s data for a particular performance indicator is unavailable, incomplete or unreliable.

      Detention Center School Performance Indicators

      Weight for SY23-24 Performance

      Applies to SY25 Accountability

      Weight for SY24-25 Performance and Beyond

      Applies to SY26 Accountability and Beyond

      Percentage of Students Making Growth Targets on STAR Reading Assessment 12.5% 12.5%
      Percentage of Students Making Growth Targets on STAR Math Assessment 12.5% 12.5%
      Average Growth Percentile on STAR Reading Assessment 12.5% 12.5%
      Average Growth Percentile on STAR Math Assessment 12.5% 12.5%
      One-Year Graduation Rate 12.5% 10%
      Credit Attainment Rate 12.5% 10%
      SAT Participation Rate 12.5% 10%
      5 Essentials Survey 12.5% 10%
      Student Portfolio 0% 10%

  1. For schools that receive two separate summative designations from the state in a given year, the higher-performing designation will be used for district reporting.
Cross References  
Legal References 105 ILCS 5/27A-9(c); 105 ILCS 5/27A-5(b); 105 ILCS 5/34-8.3; 105 ILCS 5/34-8.4.
Public Comment

Pursuant to Board Rule 2-6 this Policy was subject to Public Comment from 6/29/23 – 11/10/23.

Pursuant to Board Rule 2-6 this Policy was subject to Public Comment from 3/3/23 – 4/3/23.

Policy Managed By Office of Network Support

42 W. Madison St.
Chicago, IL 60602