06 March 2018
Walter Payton Students Lend A Hand on ‘Sweetness Day’
More than 1,000 Walter Payton College Preparatory High School students participated in “Sweetness Day,” the school’s ninth annual day of service event March 2.
01 March 2018
Brentano ES Celebrates Crossing Guard Appreciation Month
CPS joined city partners and more than 75 Brentano Elementary students to celebrate Crossing Guard Appreciation Month and launch an accompanying public safety campaign to highlight the importance of crossing guard and student safety Monday.
01 March 2018
Whitney Young Named CPS Decathlon City Champs
Whitney Young’s Academic Decathlon team has been named the new CPS Academic Decathlon City Champions.
26 February 2018
Marshall Girls Basketball Team New State Champs
The celebratory energy spread through the auditorium Monday at Marshall High School as students, faculty and staff cheered on the girls basketball team, congratulating the new 2018 Class 2A Girls Basketball State Champions.
26 February 2018
Civil Rights Activist, Historian, Gets Dyett’s First Honorary Eagle Award
A special assembly held at Dyett High School, in honor of African American History Month, paid homage to African American historian and civil rights activist Timuel Black.
23 February 2018
Students Participate in ‘Introduce A Girl to Engineering’ Day
Women engineers from the James Dyson Foundation spent a day with female students at Amundsen High School Feb. 22.
23 February 2018
Students Named Spelling Bee Champs
Two diverse learners, Shine Foriwaa from Fulton Elementary and Ryosuke Johnson from Ryder Elementary, competed in the Network 11 Spelling Bee on Feb. 5 and won.
23 February 2018
Students Celebrate Chinese New Year Through Dance
Students from Haines Elementary participated in a special assembly with performances to honor Chinese New Year Feb. 20.
21 February 2018
Lindblom Student Named Scholastic Poetry Winner
Lindblom senior Alexis Smith, 17, submitted a collection of poetry and won a 2018 Scholastic Writing Award at the Chicago Regional Level.
20 February 2018
86-Year-Old Principal Renews Contract, Not Ready To Retire
Hiram Broyls has been principal of Burbank Elementary in Belmont Cragin since 1977 and is still going strong. In fact, he just renewed his contract for another four years and says he has no plans of leaving anytime soon.
16 February 2018
The Sandy Hook Promise
The Sandy Hook Promise “Start With Hello” Campaign is a simple way for students to make sure no one feels left out.
15 February 2018
New Peer Conferencing Class Teaches How to Resolve Conflict
The Peer Conferencing class has been equipping students with the skills to help others resolve conflict without adults having to step in.