Some school activities and programs are tracked through Out of School Time (OST). For a list of programs and participation rates, please see the OST page.
- Ballroom Dancing
- Band/Orchestra
- Choir/Chorus
- Dance
- Drama
- Drawing
- Percussion
- Plays/Acting
- Talent Show
- Violin/Strings
Health and Wellness
- Crisis Intervention Services
- Physical Education
- Recess Daily
Life and Leadership
- Boys/Girls Scouts
- Mentoring for Boys/Girls
Parent and Community
- Community Service
- Family Nights
- Literacy Workshops
- Math/Science Workshops
- Parenting Classes
- Supporting your Student Workshops/Programs
- Book/Reading Club
- Newspaper
- Poetry Club
- Tutoring
- Yearbook Club
- Young Authors
- Kindergarten
- Performing Arts
Sports and Fitness
- Basketball
- Boys’ Track
- Cheerleading
- Flag Football
- Girls’ Track