The measure will be published for each grade level at the school, district, and network level to allow for comparisons. In the future, the district will report growth over multiple years to provide additional information about progress toward proficiency. This metric will be referred to as the Academic Progress Indicator (API).
Initially, the District is reporting "Effect size." “Effect size” represents the relationship between the Academic Progress Indicator (which measures observed growth over multiple years) and the growth of students with similar starting achievements (“typical” growth). Here's how the data should be interpreted:
- Schools with students who are experiencing higher than typical growth or typical growth should expect students to be making progress toward proficiency
- Schools with students with lower than typical growth may not be making progress toward proficiency.
- Those schools with students significantly below typical growth may have students who are further from proficiency than in prior grades.
Typical growth is measured within a range around zero, which represents average growth across the state.
Stay tuned: The API will be published at a future date to provide additional information about the progress students are making toward proficiency.
Why This Is Measured
API provides information about the progress students are making toward grade-level standards and helps the district and schools determine where additional attention may be needed. Combined with other measures, it can help direct resources and support. Schools with good growth over multiple years and successful improvement strategies can be used as exemplars.
Effect size provides information about the amount of growth at a school compared to similarly achieving students from across the state.
How This Is Measured
Typical growth is the amount of growth made by students with similar achievement levels. Effect size measures academic progress compared to typical growth. Both academic progress and typical growth are measured in Normal Curve Equivalents (NCEs). NCEs are calculated by standardizing student test scores using 2019 state norms. This avoids comparing students’ current achievement against students in the same academic year and ensures that all students can demonstrate progress.

FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics -
*Retired Category
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics -
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - All Students
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Economic Disadvantage
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Non-Economic Disadvantage
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - English Learner
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Non-English Learner
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Female
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Male
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Non-Binary
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - IEP
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Non-IEP
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Asian
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Asian/Pacific Islander*
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Black/African American
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Latinx
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Multiracial
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Native American
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Not Listed
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - White
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Non-Students in Temporary Living Situations
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Students in Temporary Living Situations
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - All Students
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Economic Disadvantage
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Non-Economic Disadvantage
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - English Learner
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Non-English Learner
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Female
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Male
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Non-Binary
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - IEP
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Non-IEP
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Asian
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Asian/Pacific Islander*
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Black/African American
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Latinx
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Multiracial
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Native American
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Not Listed
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - White
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Non-Students in Temporary Living Situations
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth Mathematics - Students in Temporary Living Situations
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA -
*Retired Category
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA -
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - All Students
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Economic Disadvantage
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Non-Economic Disadvantage
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - English Learner
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Non-English Learner
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Female
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Male
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Non-Binary
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - IEP
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Non-IEP
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Asian
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Asian/Pacific Islander*
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Black/African American
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Latinx
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Multiracial
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Native American
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Not Listed
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - White
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Non-Students in Temporary Living Situations
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Students in Temporary Living Situations
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - All Students
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Economic Disadvantage
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Non-Economic Disadvantage
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - English Learner
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Non-English Learner
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Female
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Male
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Non-Binary
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - IEP
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Non-IEP
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Asian
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Asian/Pacific Islander*
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Black/African American
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Latinx
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Multiracial
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Native American
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Not Listed
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - White
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Non-Students in Temporary Living Situations
FORT DEARBORN - Student Growth ELA - Students in Temporary Living Situations