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During the development stage of the process, CPS set out to redefine and redesign the District’s existing accountability system, SQRP.

Advisory Group Report

This report contains the Advisory Group’s conclusions for redesigning the District’s accountability system. It summarizes the process and key outcomes of CPS’ accountability redesign initiative with a focus on the work of the advisory group and provides the recommendations of the group.



Report Cover

Accountability Redesign Advisory Group

CPS formed a diverse advisory group to review materials, research system designs, incorporate parent and stakeholder feedback, and provide recommendations for an improved accountability policy that promotes fairness and stability. The advisory group included Chicago Board of Education members, experts from UChicago Consortium on School Research and UIC’s Center for Urban Education Leadership, principals, teachers, students, parents, and caregivers. Out of a commitment to openness and transparency in the District’s decision-making process, all materials from these meetings are available to the public below.


The Advisory Group was tasked with the following goals:

  • Learn about accountability best practices
  • Hear about potential solutions to key questions about accountability design
  • Process stakeholder feedback
  • Synthesize best practices, potential solutions, and stakeholder feedback into policy recommendations for the District.


Advisory Group Meeting Materials