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Support and Monitor Curriculum Implementation

School-Wide Conditions That Support Success High-Quality Includes... Skyline Curriculum Implementation Planning Practices (1) Collaborative that support... Unit Internalization Assessment Analysis and Action Planning Lesson Preparation and Facilitation Analyzing and Acting on Practice and Experience Data Instructional Coaching and Feedback Support and Monitor Curriculum Implementation (2) Routines to through ...

Analyzing & Acting on Practice and Perspective Data

Instructional Practice Data is collected and analyzed frequently by the ILT to inform the targeted practice shifts for Learning Cycles and to monitor the impact of professional learning and instructional coaching support

  • Rigor Walk: All classrooms are visited regularly by school leaders, ILTs, and coaches using the RW 2.0 Rubric
  • Learning Cycles: All classrooms are visited throughout each 4-10 week Learning Cycle by school leaders, ILTs, and coaches to observe for the practice shift targeted by the cycle
  • ILTs frequently analyze practice data to identify the instructional practice shifts for Learning Cycles and monitor the extent to which instructional practice is being impacted by professional learning

Perspective Data is collected and analyzed frequently by the ILT and other teams to inform the targeted practice shifts for Learning Cycles and to monitor the impact of professional learning and coaching on the student experience

  • All students in grades 5-8 take Cultivate
  • Educators analyze Cultivate survey data and use it to inform the instructional practice shifts for Learning Cycles and monitor the impact on the student experience

Instructional Coaching and Feedback

Individualized Observation and Feedback Plans are created and consistently implemented that align to school based learning cycles

  • School leaders, ILTs, and coaches (ELPTs, Lead Coaches, Department Heads) have an observation/peer observation plan (outside of REACH) to provide teachers with individualized feedback on their implementation of the curriculum (Skyline Look-For Guides by Content; Pacing Guides)
  • School leaders, ILTs, and coaches leverage instructional coaching best practices to facilitate strong adult learning experiences for teachers and measurably/observably strengthen instructional practice