The Department of Principal Quality identifies, develops, supports, and retains strong school leaders dedicated to student success in CPS. Our vision is for every CPS school to have a strong leader who provides opportunities for all students to reach their fullest potential. Each developmental opportunity is aligned with the School Leader Framework.
Vision, Mission & Goals
Strategic Planning & Change Management
Continuous Improvement
Courses & Content
Instructional Strategies
Balanced Assessment Systems
Family & Community Engagement
Connectedness & Wellbeing
Systems & Structures
Development & Evaluation
Professional Culture & Retention
Distributed Leadership
Search Leader Opportunities
Strong school leadership positively impacts the whole school community. CPS’ Department of Principal Quality provides leadership development and support for aspiring and current school leaders that helps you grow personally and professionally while inspiring others.
Through a continuum of support — from "aspiring to retiring," as we like to say — CPS provides many ways to learn, develop, plan, and engage along your career journey.

School Leadership Pipeline
Development and leadership opportunities to prepare aspiring school
leaders for their next role, from aspiring assistant principals to aspiring
district leaders.

School Leader Development
Systems and structures that provide meaningful professional development
for the in-role development of our assistant principals and principals.

School Leader Transitions
Talent management processes, data systems, and strategies to support the
selection, placement, and onboarding of school leaders and the ongoing
assessment of our school leadership talent pool.

School Leader Engagement
Specific opportunities aimed to retain fantastic school leaders by shaping
a district culture where they feel valued and empowered, and their input is
considered in decision-making.

LSC Principal Supports
Resources that empower Local School Councils (LSCs) and Advisory Local School Councils (ALSCs) with effective processes and tools for principal selection/recommendation, principal evaluation, and principal contract renewal.

Contact Us
Lead With CPS
Chicago Public Schools
42 W. Madison St, 14th Floor
Chicago, IL 60602