Explore various resources such as LinkedIn Learning, External Partnerships and Programs, and Self-Paced Professional Learning.
Teacher Leader Responsibilities Crosswalk
Role: Teachers
This resource describes the teacher leader role, the core responsibilities of the role, and the criteria for earning stipend compensation, if applicable. There are four (4) teacher leadership opportunities on the Teachers Lead Chicago career pathway.
The four teacher leader roles are:
Teacher Leader Responsibilities Crosswalk document differentiates the responsibilities of each of the teacher leader roles.
At-A-Glance: Team Director
Role: Teachers
A Team Director is a partially released teacher leader who leads a team(s) of teachers through learning cycles and provides connective coaching to members of their team(s).
At-A-Glance: Lead Coach
Role: Teachers
A Lead Coach is a school-based teacher position with 80%-100% released time to provide coaching and support to teachers within that school community in support of the local instructional areas of need. While the detailed responsibilities of a Lead Coach will vary from school to school, the primary objective of the Lead Coach role is to build the capacity of peers to improve practice and student outcomes.
CPS Coaching Handbook
Role: Teachers School Leaders
This handbook was created in collaboration with many school leaders and teacher leaders over the course of 3 years, and is a collection of resources intended to assist anyone in CPS who is in a position to provide coaching to their colleagues.
It is not meant to be a definitive training for how to coach, but a collection of concepts, practices, and tools that represent a coherent vision of an approach to coaching that empowers the recipients of coaching support in impactful, capacity-building ways.
Teachers Lead Chicago SY25 Handbook: HR & Management Policies
Role: Teachers School Leaders
This handbook provides principals, teachers, teacher leaders, and Central Off program administrators with a clear set of parameters, expectations, and supports to ensure equity and transparency in role access, implementation, and support for schools implementing Teachers Lead Chicago (TLC) teacher leader roles.
Project Management and Planning
Role: Central & Network Offices
Provided here are the resources related to Lead with CPS’s Project Management skills seminar for Central and Network Office managers of self employees development. Featuring content from FranklinCovey’s Project Management Essentials: For the Unofficial Project Manager, the resources provided equips learners with the mindset, skillset, and toolset to engage and inspire team members. Resources include:
- Multiple e-tools designed to support the project management cycle. Each document is a fillable form that can be downloaded and used for your upcoming projects.
- Project Management presentation deck and case study for reference.
- The Project Management Case Study Gantt Chart Template and Sample Document.
Team Building
Role: Central & Network Offices
- Foster connections and build team cohesion
- Align personal investment with organizational goals
Building Effective and Strategic Teams
Role: Central & Network Offices
Objectives: Learn and apply the five key elements of effective teams: how to trust each other, engage in conflict, commit to decisions, hold one another accountable, and achieve collective results.
Using the results of a culture assessment, identify which of the five dysfunctions are most prevalent in your departments.
External Partnerships & Programs
Role: Central & Network Offices
While we are proud of our new and expanded investments in professional development offered through CPS, we also have long-standing partnerships with leading external institutions to help grow your professional skillsets and connections. These programs have recently expanded eligibility, making it easier to participate. Plus, staff can apply for sponsorships to fund your participation.
Explore these programs below to find a great fit for you.
CPS Program Partners Include:
- Bonfire for Women in Leadership
- Civic Leadership Academy hosted by the University of Chicago
- Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE)
- IMPACT hosted by the Chicago Urban League
- Leadership Greater Chicago (LGC) for Senior Leadership
- Surge Institute developing leaders of Color
Sponsorships are available, but to be considered for funding, your sponsorship request must be received internally before your external application is submitted.
Send us an email at leadwithcps@cps.edu
Self Development through LinkedIn Learning
Role: Central & Network Offices
LinkedIn Learning is a premier online learning provider offering thousands of free video courses taught by industry experts in software, creative, and business skills. CPS Central Office and Network Employees have free access to the platform.
What would you like to learn today? Whether you want to brush up on your project management skills, prepare for a presentation, learn how to engage your teams, update your resume, or sharpen your interviewing skills, LinkedIn Learning can help you get there.
- Tier 1: Developing Yourself at Work
- Tier 2: Foundations for a New Leader
- Tier 1-3: Improving Leadership Presence
Need a hand? Send us an email at leadwithcps@cps.edu we can consult with you to build a playlist customized for your development or to help you play an active role in developing your employees’ leadership.
Self-Paced Resources
Role: Teachers School Leaders Central & Network Offices
Book Reads
Included below are additional resources to explore and access at your own pace. Shopping for a great leadership book or wondering what CPS’ top leaders are reading?
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni
- Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek.
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey.
- Emotional Intelligence. Why It Can Matter than IQ by Daniel Goleman.
- StandOut 2.0: Assess Your Strengths, Find Your Edge, Win at Work by Marcus Buckingham.
Visit our Book Recommendations every month to see what’s new!
Free Self-Assessments
Various online assessments are available to staff for free. To better understand yourself, your strengths, and your skills, take more than one and compare results.
- Motivational Assessment of Personal Potential (Skills & Abilities)
- Find Your Ideal Career (Career Planning)
- MBTI (Personality)
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Explore Additional Opportunities
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Contact Us
Lead With CPS
Chicago Public Schools
42 W. Madison St, 14th Floor
Chicago, IL 60602