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Together We Rise


CPS’ Five-Year Strategic Plan

Process for Developing the Strategic Plan

This strategic plan was developed with input and feedback from students, families, educators, and members of the community. We began gathering input for the strategic plan in fall 2023, but the foundation of the plan was drawn from the District’s Three-Year Blueprint established in fall 2022 and the District’s accountability redesign that spanned from 2020 to 2023. 

Foundational Inputs

Over 20,000 Individuals Engaged

Accountability Redesign

Fall 2020 - Spring 2023

Engagement Process

Recognizing that stakeholders with different identities, perspectives, and backgrounds bring invaluable knowledge, talents, and insights to the design of a new accountability policy, we collaborated with partners including the Chicago Teachers Union, Chicago Principals & Administrators Association, community-based organizations, and others to engage more than 20,000 stakeholders in the redesign of our approach to accountability.

Contribution to the Strategic Plan

Defined what we want to be true for every student, in every school, in every community across Chicago, which became our Theory of Action for the strategic plan.

Defined the roles of the District and schools in the new model of shared ownership for student success.

Identified a shared vision, with community, of what practices and conditions make a good school - including ensuring equitable distribution of resources (based on school need) and access to high-quality curriculum.

Building a Bridge to the Next Strategic Plan: CPS Blueprint

Fall 2022

Engagement Process

Held conversations with students, families, educators, community members, and other stakeholders to understand the priorities of the CPS community coming out of the pandemic.

Contribution to the Strategic Plan

Identified strategies to immediately support students academically, socially, and emotionally as we recovered from the pandemic. 

Identified areas to reimagine current work to incorporate into the strategic planning process.

Strategic Planning Process

More than 14,000 individuals engaged

Assessment of Current State

Fall/Winter 2023

Engagement Process

Included a large city-wide survey, student voice events, and state of the District roundtables. Launched the strategic planning website for stakeholders to find information on the strategic planning process and provide feedback.

Contribution to the Strategic Plan

Identified the most pressing challenges to address and areas of transformational opportunity. Guided the development of strategies to address the identified challenges.

Understanding Targeted Areas

Winter/Spring 2024

Engagement Process

Engaged stakeholders to ask specific questions about challenges within a topic area, including:

  • Budget community roundtable sessions 
  • School leader budget survey
  • Educational Facilities Master Plan community roundtable sessions 
  • Black Student Success Working Group and community roundtables 
  • Capital planning community engagement

Contribution to the Strategic Plan

Provided information to develop the strategies included in the strategic plan. Identified gaps where new strategies needed to be developed.

Developing Comprehensive Strategies

Spring 2024

Engagement Process

Hosted eight public forums, held targeted focus groups, engaged principals and central office staff, and briefed our community, labor, and elected partners.

Contribution to the Strategic Plan

Revised and refined the strategies in the strategic plan to best reflect the needs of our students, schools, and communities.