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Students with Disabilities

Priority: Ensure the rightful presence of every student with disabilities so they can fully engage in rigorous instruction at their grade level, in the general education classroom to the greatest extent possible, and accessing the same opportunities as their non-disabled peers.

Visionary Goal

Every student with a disability will receive rigorous instruction in their least restrictive environment.

Why It Matters

Students with disabilities have the right to reach their full potential while being educated in their least restrictive environment and to be provided with the support needed to engage fully in all aspects of school programming with their general education peers. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, more students have been identified as having a disability, and a disproportionate number of students have been separated from their general education peers for the majority of the school day. In the past, we have had inconsistent practices throughout the District, poor communication with schools and families, and a lack of transparency with stakeholders, which resulted in students with disabilities not receiving the services they needed to be successful. We must protect every student’s civil right to be provided the same resources as their general education peers.


  • Provide robust professional development to special education teachers, Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams, and other staff to engage students with disabilities in high-quality curriculum and instruction in the least restrictive environment with their general education peers.
  • Expand access for students with disabilities to joyful and well-rounded experiences, such as out-of-school-time enrichment programs and athletics.
  • Ensure every school provides a full continuum of education services for students with disabilities who need greater support outside of the general education classroom, and ensure every community has access to programs that meet the needs of the students who live there. Showcase exemplary practices across all special education settings, including general education, cluster classrooms, and specialty schools, to drive large-scale district-wide implementation of best practices.
  • Engage families, school staff, the OSD Family Advisory Board, the Special Education Advisory Committee, and community partners to provide input in program allocations.
  • Prepare students with disabilities for rigorous course options and placement in high school programs based on IEPs and transition goals.

Five-Year Goals

  • 100% of teachers in co-teaching roles and 100% of IEP teams will participate in professional learning on implementing guidelines on making placement decisions about the education of students with disabilities.
  • Increase the percentage of high school students with disabilities enrolled in career and technical education, arts, International Baccalaureate programming, selective enrollment, Advanced Placement, early college, and military academies.
  • All schools will implement a full continuum of special education services while enforcing students’ right to be educated in their least restrictive environment.
  • Increase trust with the families of students with disabilities by providing accessible multi-modal parent training, direct support, and consistent two-way communication that includes a variety of ways for families to share their experience and feedback.