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Early Learning

Priority: Create high-quality, comprehensive, and aligned learning experiences for students in preschool through 2nd grade focused on building knowledge and foundational academic skills in all content areas (including social-emotional learning), providing support to meet the unique needs of all young learners, and expanding enrichment opportunities.

Visionary Goal

Every student will begin third grade as confident, empowered, and supported learners with a strong foundation of academic and social-emotional skills that will accelerate them to life-long success.

Why It Matters

Alignment within and across the early grades is a critical catalyst toward improved outcomes for students and improvement in student and family experiences. It is important for children and families to have seamless transitions at this critical juncture through increased coordination, cohesion, and collaboration between families and schools. Alignment of these early learning practices with elementary, middle, and high school will ultimately ensure all students graduate with the foundation needed for success in life. Research suggests there is a strong connection between reading proficiency by third grade and increased academic achievement, college retention and career readiness, and a reduction in incarceration and high school drop-out rates.


  • Provide all preschool through second grade students with a daily experience that includes rigorous and responsive instruction in all content areas, as well as holistic learning opportunities and enrichment activities within and outside of the school day.
  • Empower educators, coaches, and school leaders through comprehensive professional learning and coaching opportunities in the early grades, especially for English learners, students with disabilities, and Black and Latinx students.`
  • Partner with families of young learners to provide resources to support the development and engagement of their students.

Five-Year Goals

  • Increase the percentage of Kindergarten through second grade students who demonstrate mid- or above-grade level performance on the End of Year i-Ready assessment from 37% to 45% in math and from 42% to 50% in reading.
  • Reduce the rate of chronic absenteeism for preschool through 2nd grade students by 15%.