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Modernization of Technology and Systems

Priority: Modernize existing technology and systems to reduce staff time spent on operational processes and enhance the student learning experience.

Visionary Goal

The District will be supported by a world-class technology infrastructure that reduces the burden of business and school operations, incorporates the latest technology into the daily learning experience, and streamlines how families can access information for their students.

Why It Matters

For schools to thrive, they must have modern technology and systems. Cutting-edge technology enables school staff to engage more meaningfully with students, bolsters students’ learning experiences and creates equity for children with fewer technological resources at home. Our current systems are outdated and in need of critical updates. Modernizing our technology and systems will decrease the time staff spends on operational processes, allowing more time to focus on students and families. These systems will also prevent cybersecurity risks, improve communications, and enable better data-driven decision-making through enhanced analytics and reporting.


  • Replace central office financial and operational systems (procurement, accounting, budget, human resources, and payroll) with a single Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Cloud Platform, so we can streamline tools for educators, reduce operational burden and increase productivity at schools and central offices, allowing more time focused on engaging with students and families.
  • Upgrade to faster internet access at schools and annually assess internet speeds and capacity needs to improve teacher and student experience.
  • Leverage innovative tools designed to promote equity in educational learning, bridge the digital divide, and improve administrative decision-making processes.
  • Improve data quality with real-time mobile access for students and families in order to facilitate learning and communication among students, teachers, and families.
  • Enhance student information systems and digital curriculum to integrate them with other CPS systems.
  • Increase partnerships with companies aligned with our modernization and systems to create a pipeline to opportunities to increase student access to technology and enhance learning.

Five-Year Goals

  • Successfully migrate financial and core operational systems to a single enterprise platform.
  • Increase internet bandwidth by 400% in elementary schools and 900% in high schools to reduce outages and concerns about poor and slow network performance and improve teacher and student experiences accessing resources.
  • 100% of School-based staff will have on-demand access to the most critical data points needed to drive decision-making and improve student outcomes.