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Equitable Funding Model

Priority: Refine, through analysis of strengths and weaknesses, the funding model methodology implemented in SY2025 that aims to prioritize and allocate people, time, and money to align with levels of need and opportunity to create quality experiences for all students, incorporating educator, family, and student voices.

Visionary Goal

Every school will have the resources they need to ensure a high-quality and equitable student experience, regardless of the size of the school or the unique needs of the student population.

Why It Matters

Students and families should expect a high-quality and equitable educational experience regardless of where they live. Schools need the resources to hire staff and implement programs aligned with students' needs. Families and community members must be provided with clear information about their schools’ budgets to allow them to engage more deeply in school budget discussions and empower them to advocate for needed changes.


  • Continue to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the new CPS funding model to improve the distribution of resources in a more equitable and transparent manner.
  • Continue advocating for the state of Illinois to fully fund CPS. Work with partners and stakeholders to increase school funding from local, state, federal, and philanthropic sources.
  • Continue to provide comprehensive and transparent information to ensure stakeholders understand the District’s resourcing strategy and the resources available to each school.

Five-Year Goals

  • Decrease class sizes in schools throughout the District, prioritizing smaller class sizes in higher-need schools.
  • Increase stability in school staffing and decrease turnover rates. 100% of schools will have the resource capacity to hire full-time arts, physical education, and other holistic/special instructional staff. Reach at least 90% funding adequacy, based on the state’s funding adequacy assessment.
  • Host at least five yearly community budget roundtables to solicit input into resourcing strategies and provide an LSC-focused budget informational session prior to the release of school budgets each spring.