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Based on feedback from our community engagement process, we identified targeted priorities to offset the challenges posed by growing facility needs and structural deficits in CPS at a time when enrollment and overall state funding are declining. These priorities focus on school cultures that foster connectedness and well-being, exceptional and diverse talent, 21st-century learning environments, modernized systems, and refining the equitable funding model that will ensure we provide students with exceptional learning experiences.

Accelerating Proven Practices

  • Healing Centered Framework

    Continue to transform CPS into the most trauma-engaged, culturally responsive school district in the country through our Healing Centered Framework.

  • Universal Student Supports

    Strengthen Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) across schools, ensuring academic and social-emotional learning (SEL) supports are universally available to children across the District.

  • Culture and Climate Teams

    Ensure 100% of schools have highly effective culture and climate teams in place that oversee the establishment and implementation of universal supports and strategies centered around collective well-being for students and staff, school-wide climate, and relational trust development as part of student social and emotional development.

  • Collaboration Around Student Needs

    Increase collaboration among teachers, interventionists, and MTSS teams to proactively identify students’ academic needs and provide targeted interventions so that all children are accessing grade-level content.

  • Out-of-School Time

    Continue the expansion of summer and out-of-school time programs, focusing on students furthest from opportunity.

  • Staff Leadership

     Expand professional development and leadership opportunities for all school staff.

  • Technology Resources

    Provide fast and free high-speed internet for students who need it the most, and provide technology devices and resources to all students.

  • Business Diversity

    Increase contracting with certified minority-owned and woman-owned business enterprises in the Chicagoland area by promoting access to procurement opportunities.

Targeted Priorities

  • Connectedness and Well-being

    Create robust support systems and align resources to meet students’ diverse needs, ensuring a safe and supportive school community.


  • Exceptional and Diverse Talent

    Recruit, retain, support, and develop exceptional and diverse talent at all levels.

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  • 21st Century Learning Environments

    Co-design and implement the Educational Facilities Master Plan (EFMP) with input from the community to create modern, efficient, healthy, green, safe, and equitable conditions for 21st-century learning.

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  • Modernization of Technology and Systems

    Modernize existing technology and systems using feedback from students, educators, and families to enhance daily learning experiences.

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  • Equitable Funding Model

    Refine, through analysis of strengths and weaknesses, the funding model methodology implemented in SY2025 that aims to prioritize and allocate people, time, and money to align with levels of need and opportunity to create quality experiences for all students, incorporating educator, family, and student voices.