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We are committed to strengthening the connections between our schools and our communities to improve the daily learning experience for all students across all school types—neighborhood, magnet, selective enrollment, options, contract, and charter schools. Community partnerships are necessary to transform all schools into community hubs that support students, families, and our broader communities. Every community must be anchored by thriving neighborhood schools if we are to achieve our goal of providing every student with a daily learning experience that is rigorous, joyful, and equitable. Additionally, it is critically important that our students, families, and community members are actively engaged in decision-making throughout the implementation of the strategic plan.

Accelerating Proven Practices

  • Community Engagement

    Implement a community engagement framework and actively create a variety of opportunities to deepen community engagement and collaboration with stakeholders.

  • Local School Councils

    Continue to promote diverse representation on LSCs, and establish decision-making roles for students on all LSCs.

  • Teacher Advisory Council

    Promote the Teacher Advisory Council to serve as a forum for direct communication and collaboration between CPS teachers and executive leadership.

  • Deeply engage school leaders on all key decisions that impact their schools through bi-monthly meetings with the central office leadership, the Principal Advisory Council, and Network Advisory Groups.

  • Design of Policies

    Align stakeholder engagement with policy-making by creating strong systems that directly connect student, parent, and community voices with the shaping of District policies.

  • Go CPS

    Continue to improve the Go CPS application process and socialize across all communities to support smooth enrollment practices for families and schools.

  • School Models

    Continue supporting successful schools across multiple models, including neighborhood schools, selective enrollment, magnet, charter, and other programming options that meet the needs of our students and their communities.

  • Equitable Enrollment Processes

    Ensure that our enrollment processes are equitable and provide opportunities for all students to access a rigorous and joyful learning experience, with a targeted focus on increasing access to different school models for underrepresented students and students from disinvested communities.

  • Accountability of School Education Partners

    Expand our support and ensure that we hold our educational partners within our CPS ecosystem, including charter, contract, and options schools accountable.

Targeted Priorities

  • Community Schools

    Provide the resources and support needed to transform schools to be the anchors of their neighborhood through community schools models, including the expansion of Sustainable Community Schools.


  • Preschool to High School Pathways in Neighborhood Schools

    Develop and implement a comprehensive strategy for improving preschool to high school graduation pathways in neighborhoods across the city.

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