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27 June 2022

Section 2: Four Dimensions of an Equity Lens

To become a more equitable school district, we must adopt a new way of understanding the work of equity. Shifting from a historical education lens that upholds structural racism to an equity lens that creates fair access and opportunities for all requires a theory of change for re-imaging what our district could look like and do.

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The dimensions of the equity lens provide a descriptive, conceptual understanding of what equity work requires of individuals and groups, and how we can think and act in service of our students, especially those most impacted by inequity and historically underserved. The equity lens is an important tool because it helps us create the conditions that enable students to advance toward the universal goal. The lens questions and unpacks the current situation, and reimagines it in a supportive and inclusive way that prioritizes those who are furthest from opportunity. An equity lens using targeted universalism will help each of our schools and administrative offices have a clearer understanding of the student groups they are serving. Each of us must analyze, reflect, and strengthen our practices in these areas to better serve our students.

Download Four Dimensions of an Equity Lens
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