Planning Modules
Although occasionally circumstances warrant a prototypical designs for a large new construction programs, CPS has generally moved toward a kit of parts approach for new buildings. The individual space types showcased throughout the guidelines have been developed based on recent precedents for column bay sizes. The majority of sites for new buildings are compact and within the constraints of standard city blocks. The dimensions identified have previously been found to address both the sizes for typical programmatic features well as typical site parameters. It is not essential that the AOR conform with these modules, but shall use them as guidance for the planning of new projects and applicable renovation projects.
The diagrams that follow have been coordinated with the required square footages of each room. The majority of spaces, including standard classrooms have been developed around a 25’-0” wide x 30’-0” deep column bay. Larger rooms take on one of two strategies:
- Expand on the 25’-0” width, typically in half or full bay increments
- Expand the 30’-0” depth with an additional half bay
The intent is that the majority of spaces can be planned economically around double loaded corridors, with larger spaces stacked on top of each other. Large assembly spaces do not typically work with this formulaic approach and are driven by the sizes required for competition sports and/or seating for many. The following diagrams shall be used as a reference in conjunction with the room data sheets and plans shown in Volume 3 of this guideline. In all cases, room dimensions shall be part of a large planning strategy that conforms with the program, provided, project goals and site context.