Planning Rationale
Existing roofing systems may be fully replaced or receive targeted repairs contingent upon the existing conditions and budget available. The extent of scope is based on roof reports, visual inspection, the age, and warranty status. All roof levels are reviewed during the scoping process, including small roofs over entrances and other ancillary roof levels.
- Roof Repairs: Defined as a reconstruction or the renewal of any part of an existing roof for the purposes of its maintenance. Once targeted roof repair scope has been confirmed, all repairs including parapets, flashings, and insulation shall refer to the new construction guidelines.
- Full Roof Replacement: A full roof replacement is typically required when the roofing warranty has expired, is close to expiring or is exhibiting major damage, or leaks have been an ongoing problem in many areas. When a full replacement is necessary, the roof shall be brought into full Code compliance. Ideally, roof replacement projects occur in coordination with MEP upgrades and/or work related to modifications to MEP roof top equipment.
For all new and renovated roof and related construction, refer to the New Construction Guidelines: Volume 3, Chapter 2.1.5 Roof and Parapets.
Typical elements to consider when evaluating existing roofing assemblies:
Roof Structure
Roofing repairs and replacements shall be coordinated with the existing roof structure type. Confirm that the existing structure’s design load capacity can support additional weight of increased insulation and new equipment. Identify any additional roof openings required for new equipment. For new roof equipment requiring a new mounting platform, the platform shall be installed at a minimum of 3-ft above the roofing membrane to allow for future roofing system maintenance. New, elevated roof platforms shall typically be supported on the existing building columns. New steel shall not be supported on exterior masonry walls (e.g. parapet walls). Provisions shall be made for replacement of damaged deck.
Roofing System
Roofing System
Identify existing roof construction and extent of demolition required, thickness insulation, positive roof slope, and drainage. Although all projects shall comply with the City of Chicago Building Code and all other appropriate Codes.
Gravel Stop
Identify areas where it is required to replace gravel stops due to roof replacement. New gravel stop heights shall accommodate the required thickness of new insulation.
Rooftop Equipment:
Review functionality and conditions of all existing rooftop equipment (I.e. Rooftop units, exhaust fans, intake ducts, etc.).
Hatches/Roof Ladders
Evaluate existing conditions, functionality and identify the necessary repairs or replacement. All roof levels shall be accessible via permanent, OSHA compliant ladders and roof hatches.
- Provide hatch/ladder extension, as per OSHA requirements, at existing and new hatches installations/ locations.
- Hatches shall be located a safe distance away from the roof edge per Code requirements. Possible hatch relocation or the addition of new guard rails may be required.
- Platforms located in attic spaces used to access roof ladders require repair or replacement if not sound.
- Confirm that attic spaces have well-lit walking surfaces to access the roof.
Spaces Adjacent to Roof
Evaluate interior conditions at attics and other spaces directly below roofs and identify associated repairs required resulting from water infiltration. Required scope of work is dependent on conditions and budget available.