Planning Rationale
When the goal of a renovation project is to provide new or additional academic spaces, modify the number of classrooms, change the function of a space, or upgrade an existing space, then a program shall be developed. Space types, sizes, features, and FF&E shall be determined in conjunction with the CPS Department/Curriculum, the Principal/School and the Department of Capital Planning and Construction.
Typically, the new construction guidelines are used as a starting point and test fits must be developed to confirm that layouts will work. It is not uncommon for some variability of the layouts when trying to confirm the standard program to existing conditions. CPS must approve of concepts prior to the AOR moving forward with detailed construction documents.
The impact of changes to existing spaces must be addressed once multiple classrooms, affected spaces or additional program requirements are added. The AOR must analyze the impact of the changes with respect to the code related issues as identified in the appropriate Codes and Ordinances including but not limited to the Chicago Zoning Ordinance and the Chicago Landscape Ordinance.
In addition to outlining the number and type of spaces for a school, a program is used to confirm that Classroom Teaching Stations such as Makerspace, Flexible Performing Arts, Dance or Personalized Learning (non Core Classroom Teaching Stations) spaces are provided and/or appropriately sized based on planned changes to the facility such as classroom count or function. If multiple classrooms or spaces are being combined or divided, the program will inform the design team of possible impacts of these changes such as the need for additional cafeteria capacity, an additional science classroom, increased toilet fixture counts, and/or additional trash and recycling capacity.