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7.3.5 Venting Systems


Refer to CPS Specifications for requirements.


Vent piping shall be sized based on the drainage fixture units, developed length and horizontal length for each branch vent. All vent piping shall meet the City of Chicago Plumbing Code sizing requirements. All vent piping shall be minimally sloped back to the sanitary line for drainage of any water that may enter the system. The vent pipe size from each fixture shall be the same size as the fixture sanitary drain line at a minimum.


All plumbing fixtures with a direct sanitary connect require vent piping. Effort shall be made to limit the number of vent risers. Common vents may be used for back-to-back fixtures. Loop, or circuit venting is not allowed. All vent piping shall terminate above the roof level.

Island Venting

Island venting is allowed for sinks and other fixtures located within a teacher's demonstration station within Science Classrooms and Culinary Classrooms, or other areas with island based fixtures. Island vents shall be properly sloped, and provide cleanouts and a drain line to the sanitary line as prescribed by Code.

Interceptor Venting

All interceptors and collection basins require vent piping to avoid a build-up of odors and dangerous vapors within the enclosure. For acid and oil basins, vent piping shall be separate from the standard vent piping and shall be run independent to the environment.


Roof projects / major MEP renovation projects shall include rodding / jetting and televising documentation of each roof vent back to the main in the street. Documentation shall include a plan drawing to scale identifying each vent route with sizes, video and report narrative. On renovation projects this shall be performed three times. Once at the beginning of design to clear the lines / determine the condition of the system (identify blockages, pinch points, missing cleanout/access points, pipe breaks, etc.) and establish repair scope. The second time at the beginning of construction as the conditions may have changed / additional scope may be needed and the third post construction to document the final installed fully functional system. Projects shall include post construction to document the final fully functional system. The EOR shall provide the Rodding/Jetting/Televising service during the design phase as a pass through expense. Copies of documentation, including narrative of findings, video, tagged site and floor plan to scale showing routing and pipe sizes, shall be turned over to CPS. On renovation projects this shall be performed three times. The first time is at the beginning of design to clear the lines/determine the condition of the system (identify blockages, pinch points, missing cleanup/access points, etc.) and establish repair scope. The second time is at the beginning of construction as the conditions may have changed/additional scope may be required. The third time is post construction to document the final installed fully functional system.