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4.8.7 Support Spaces - Performing Arts

Space Requirements

May include all or some of the following:

  • Lobby/Pre-Function Space
  • Ticket Office (Refer to Athletics 4.7.6)
  • Men’s and Women’s Dressing Rooms
  • Green Room
  • Scene Shop
  • Orchestra Shell Storage (may be alcove in stage)
  • Piano Storage
  • Concessions (Refer toAthletics 4.7.6)

Lobby/Pre-Function Space

The Lobby/Pre Function space is typically located so that it can serve as the main entrance for the gymnasium/ gymnatorium and other assembly spaces such as the auditorium or black box theater. Ideally, the ticket office and concessions shall be shared by major assembly programs at the school.

Ticket Booth/Counter

Ticket Booth is typically located in the main Auditorium lobby and shall provide enough space for a single person to comfortably sit behind a counter or dutch door. This space must be ADA accessible.

Dressing Rooms

The Dressing Rooms must provide lockers and include a seating bench. Each dressing room must include a single toilet room. They shall be located in close proximity with the ability to access the stage without going through the house. When separated dressing rooms are not provided, adjacent locker rooms can be used.

  • Toilet Room: Provide single toilet in each dressing room using finishes as indicated in in section 4.8.7
  • Dressing rooms shall have a counter with make-up mirror and lighting
  • Provide an ADA bench

Green Room

The Green Room is used as a space for performers waiting to go on stage. The room shall provide privacy between the performers and the public spaces.

  • A classroom, the dance studio, or the music suite can be considered if adjacent.

Scene Shop

The Scene Shop shall be provided directly adjacent to the stage for ease of moving scenery. This room is where stage scenery is built. The room shall have high ceilings and double doors. It shall provide storage for set construction materials and be located and have direct access to the exterior. The dust collector is to be located on the exterior with a masonry enclosure. The dust collector cannot be located within the trash enclosure. When a separate scene shop cannot be provided, locate an art room nearby.

Storage Spaces

  • Piano Storage
    • The Piano Storage shall be a dedicated space able to accommodate 3 pianos.
    • It shall be located at the back or side of the stage and have direct access.
  • Orchestra Shell Storage
    • Space to accommodate stacked storage of orchestra shells.
    • Can be an open alcove off of the stage id directly adjacent, with no doors.
    • If stored in the back-of-house zone, then storage room doors and stage doors need to be coordinated for heights and widths of shells.