Planning Rationale
The art gallery is for the display of student 2D, 3D, and media artwork. This space is to be integrated into the school corridor, away from activities that could damage artwork and displays. When space permits, the gallery shall be wider than a standard corridor and/or an alcoved area.
- Location: The art gallery is to be located adjacent to art and media classroom spaces for curation and oversight by art faculty and ease of access by students to display their work. Locating the gallery so that it is accessible to public view is preferred while also avoiding direct sunlight and glare.
- The gallery should provide a combination of pin-up/hanging spaces, a means of displaying 3D art through cases and/or shelving, and space for displaying digital media. No more than 10% of wall area to be tackable surfaces. Obstructions and egress path of travel shall be considered in the design of the gallery.
- Lighting at the art gallery area should provide a contrast to the ambient lighting of the corridor and provide the ability to customize display arrangements and highlight artwork.
- Removable art display walls are discouraged.
- Participatory Art: A participatory art display space either in the classroom or as part of the art gallery is preferred in coordination with the school. Participatory art allows viewers of the artwork to interact directly with the artwork itself. This type of art may require additional space around the artwork and ideally should be incorporated into the design through deeper alcoves or separate spaces off the corridor.