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2.2.7 Ramps

Planning Rationale

CPS is committed to providing facilities that are accessible to all users. Ramps are a significant elements used in the development of an accessible route. With thoughtful planning early on in the design process, the integration of the ramps can support an overall strategy to promote universal design while facilitating egress.


Ramps are to be provided at all level changes where sloped walks, elevators, or vertical platform lifts (not typical) are not implemented. When required, the top and bottom of the ramp shall be coordinated to the upper and lower landings of the adjacent stair.


Design floor/grade levels with the shallowest slope possible, however, any level changes shall include guard rails. All ramps shall be designed with edge protection along the ramp path of travel. While no longer required by the Accessibility Code, it is CPS’s standard to continue to provide handrail extensions. (12”)

Level changes

Constructed walking/rolling surfaces shall not exceed maximum slopes and cross slopes listed below in any accessible location. Sloped walkways shall be used whenever possible in lieu of ramps.

  • Cross slope: 1.5 % cross slope for accessible routes, accessible parking and other “level” areas, 2% is the maximum slope
  • Sloped Walk Way: 4.25% slope in direction of travel for an accessible route without meeting all ramp requirements, 5% is the maximum allowable
  • Ramps Elementary School: 5.8% for children, 8.33% is the maximum allowable
  • Ramps High School: 7.5% slope of ramps and curb ramps for adults, 8.33% is the maximum allowable

Slopes steeper than 8.33% not allowed except in existing facilities with technically infeasible conditions


Continuous stainless steel handrails required at intermediate landings. Alternative materials shall be reviewed and utilized only with CPS approval.

Safety and Code

The AOR shall ensure that exit widths are code compliant and that all exit pathways address life safety, fire safety, accessibility, and all other requirements necessitated by code.

  • Minimum 2” above finish floor edge protection required
  • Guardrails required at all sloped walk ways and ramps


As circulation routes will endure a high level of daily usage, durable floor materials shall be used. Typically, the finished surface of the ramp shall be same as adjacent flooring. Ramp construction shall be firm, stable, and be slip resistant.