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Goals & Objectives

The Arts Education Plan 2.0 will lay the strategic foundation for deepening and expanding the student experience at CPS. With this Plan, we strive to ensure that every student receives a high-quality, multifaceted arts education that ignites their creativity, uncovers their unique identity, and opens doors to boundless career possibilities.

The Plan Will:

  • Green box with check


    • Be a visionary document that defines the next evolution of CPS arts education priorities, practices, and policies
    • Outline high level commitments and owners
    • Continue to highlight the importance and the impact of the arts in preK-12 education
  • Green box with check


    • Center the student experience, and how teachers, administrators, and external partners support that experience
    • Inclusive of district & non-district managed schools
  • Green box with check


    • Align to existing continuous improvement frameworks (CIDT) and the CPS Strategic Plan
  • Green box with check


    • Celebrate progress since 2012, showcase exemplars, and provide recommendations for the next five years.

The Plan Will Not:

  • Red box with a x


    • Be a granular implementation roadmap or guide book
    • Provide hard implementation deadlines
  • Red box with a x


    • Direct citywide arts and/or arts education efforts not connected to CPS
  • Red box with a x


    • Necessarily fall under the same six goals identified in 2012
  • Red box with a x


    • Dictate significant departures from the ongoing work of the DAE
    • Be inaccessibly long or jargon-heavy


The following considerations for the development process have been elevated during initial interviews

  1. Elevate a diverse spectrum of student and parent voices, particularly those who are typically left out of these conversations
  2. Leverage the development of this plan to intentionally build alignment, trust, and awareness of DAE offerings and best practices with school leaders
  3. Ensure that this plan is student-centered, while also knowing that external partners play a key role in supplementing–not supplanting-CPS teacher instruction
  4. Balance idealism with feasibility and sustainability, while pushing for innovation
  5. Plan should acknowledge and build on the existing strengths of DAE

Proposed Components of a New Plan

  • Historical Context and evaluation of goals met/not met from 2012 Plan
  • Research on arts education best practices
  • Data Analysis and Reporting of current state, beyond the CSC and 2012 Plan goals
  • New DAE Mission and district Vision
  • Goals and Recommendations
  • Clear Assignments of Responsibilities for Implementation
  • Estimated budget and potential funding sources
  • How does this plan connect with other content areas and district priorities?

CPS Department of Arts Education


42 W. Madison St, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60602