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Local School Wellness Policy for Students

Section 704.7 | Board Report 23-0524-PO5 | Date Adopted May 24, 2023

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That the Chicago Board of Education (“Board”) rescind Board Report 22-0622-PO4 and adopt a new Local School Wellness Policy for Students. The policy was posted for public comment from March 17, 2023 to April 17, 2023.


The Board recognizes the relationship that exists between academic achievement and student health and wellness. Accordingly, this policy reflects the Board’s commitment to removing health-related barriers to learning via health policy, promotion, education and services, and implementation of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) framework. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the Board’s expectations for a healthy school environment are articulated and satisfied by establishing requirements for nutrition education, physical activity and the provision of healthy food choices at schools and for all students in grades PK-12. This policy also establishes, through the CPS Guidelines for Competitive Foods, nutrition standards, requirements and recommendations for foods and beverages sold, provided or served to students at school that compete with food provided under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Seamless Summer Option (SSO), Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). This policy seeks to create a school environment that supports student nutrition and healthy food choices by providing nutrition standards for food and beverages sold 1) as competitive foods in vending machines or in school stores, 2) by food vendors on school grounds, 3) as a la carte items sold in the school dining centers, and 4) as part of school fundraisers, celebrations or rewards. The nutrition standards set forth in Guidelines and affirmed in this policy are consistent with the USDA’s Smart Snacks Guidelines and best practices for competitive foods.


The Board is committed to supporting the Whole Child through policies and programs that holistically address the physical, mental, and social-emotional health and wellbeing of every student. This policy seeks to advance health equity by addressing the root causes such as food insecurity and inequitable access to safe spaces for outdoor play, and by ensuring that schools provide consistent access to nutritious food and opportunities for physical activity and nutrition education. Further, as Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) and LGBTQ+ students are more likely to experience health disparities including bullying, substance use, and mental health issues than non-LGBTQ+ and non-BIPOC students, this policy provides guidance for ensuring healthy and supportive environments in all schools. The Office of Student Health and Wellness (“OSHW”) is engaging in ongoing work to align to WSCC and operationalize the CPS Equity Framework through this policy within the locus of its control.


I. Definitions

A La Carte: Individually priced food items, provided by Nutrition Support Services, which are available for sale in the school dining center that are not part of the reimbursable meal served through NSLP, SBP, SSO, SFSP or CACFP.

Celebrations: Special events or activities occurring in a classroom or elsewhere at school during the school day.

Competitive Foods: Foods and/or beverages sold to students on school grounds that compete with the school’s operation of the NSLP, SBP, SSO, SFSP or CACFP. Competitive foods include, but are not limited to, items sold in vending machines or school stores, by food vendors on school grounds, or in school dining centers as a la carte items. Competitive foods must follow CPS Guidelines for Competitive Foods.

Fundraiser: Any activity, event or sale to raise funds by or for a school or school club or program occurring on school grounds whether before, during or after school hours.

Nutrition Education: Nutrition education, as part of comprehensive health education, is a planned, sequential, PK-12 curriculum or supplemental education program that addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and social dimensions of health related to nutrition. The program is designed to motivate and assist students to maintain and improve their health, prevent disease, and reduce health-related risk behaviors. It allows students to develop and demonstrate increasingly sophisticated nutrition-related knowledge, attitudes, skills and practices.

Outside Foods: Any food items served, sold, or otherwise brought into schools that are not a part of the school meal programs (NSLP, SBP, SSO, SFSP or CACFP), a la carte, or vending machines, e.g. food brought in from restaurants, grocery stores, etc.

Physical Activity: Physical activity is any bodily movement that results in energy expenditure. Two levels of physical activity are commonly recommended, "Moderate" and "Vigorous."

Moderate: Movement activities in which participants breathe heavily and are able to talk in complete sentences, but not sing.

Vigorous: Movement activities in which participants perspire, breathe hard and are not able to say more than a few words without pausing for a breath.

Physical Education (“PE”): Physical education is an academic subject that provides a planned, sequential, K-12 standards-based program of curricula and instruction designed to develop motor skills, knowledge and behaviors for healthy, active living, physical fitness, sportsmanship, self-efficacy and emotional intelligence.

Rewards: Incentives offered to students in recognition of good behavior or performance whether offered before, during or after school.

School Day: For purposes of this policy, the school day is defined as the period from the midnight before to 30 minutes after dismissal.

Whole Child Approach: The holistic approach that prioritizes physical, mental, and social-emotional health to ensure that every student in every school is healthy, safe, supported, challenged, and engaged.

Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Framework: A model for supporting the Whole Child, established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), that identifies the following 10 key components for addressing health in schools: Health Education, Physical Education & Physical Activity, Nutrition Environment & Services, Health Services, Counseling, Psychological & Social Services, Social & Emotional Climate, Physical Environment, Employee Wellness, Parent Engagement, and Community Involvement.

II. Scope

The Chief Health Officer and Executive Director of Nutrition Support Services (“NSS”), or their designees, must collaborate to ensure all schools serving grades PK-12 comply with the following criteria regarding nutrition education, access to nutritious food and beverages served, sold or provided in schools, celebrations, fundraisers, and/or rewards, and physical activity. The requirements outlined in this policy only apply to activities that take place during the school day as defined above. However, schools are encouraged to promote healthy eating and physical activity and must provide accommodations for students with allergies or other dietary restrictions whenever food is served on school grounds or at school-sponsored events. Section IV of this policy applies to charter schools that opt-in to CPS meal programs.

III. A Whole Child Approach to School Wellness:

In alignment to the WSCC Framework, CPS acknowledges that supporting the health and wellness of students and staff requires the efforts of numerous CPS departments and stakeholders. While this policy does not address all 10 WSCC components, OSHW is committed to collaborating with Central Office departments and other stakeholders to ensure the coordination of policies, programs, and practices necessary for holistic WSCC implementation.

IV. Nutrition Environment and Services

A. Meal Service

B. Competitive Foods

C. Marketing:

Schools must restrict food and beverage marketing during the academic school day to only those foods and beverages that meet the nutrition standards outlined in the CPS Guidelines for Competitive Foods.

D. Food and Physical Activity as Rewards or Discipline:

  1. Rewards are incentives offered to students in recognition of good behavior or performance. (See Definitions section for more information). Teachers and other school personnel are encouraged to promote non-food rewards. Individual student rewards using food are not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to, teachers, staff, or partners giving out candy or snacks during class, school assemblies, or other gatherings.
  2. Principals, teachers, and other school staff are prohibited from withholding food or offering alternative lunch options (such as a brown bag lunch, lunch in the classroom) as discipline. Food may not be withheld from any student for any reason. In the case of student detention, in-school suspension or other restrictive activities, students must be allowed to go through the dining center service line and select a meal.
  3. Teachers and other school personnel are prohibited from using physical activity (e.g., running laps, pushups) as discipline or withholding opportunities for physical activity (e.g., withholding recess or physical education) as punishment.
  4. Teachers and other school personnel are encouraged to use physical activity opportunities as rewards such as extra recess, special classroom privileges, etc., provided they don’t interfere with required daily instructional minutes.

E. Celebrations:

Schools are encouraged to celebrate with fun rather than food. Principals, school staff, parents/guardians, students and Out of School Time program partners should promote healthy classroom and school celebrations by minimizing the use of candy and snacks.

  1. A school may permit a maximum of two school wide celebrations per school year with outside food as defined in section I of this policy. For the purposes of this policy, “school wide” means occurring on the same day, purposely planned to ensure that students are only celebrating with food one time in that day, but does not necessarily require celebrations to take place in the same space (e.g. celebrations that occur in individual classrooms at one given time). Any other events where food is served, including those that celebrate student attendance or other achievements must follow the nutrition criteria outlined in the CPS Guidelines for Competitive Foods. Schools must not serve any outside food during regularly scheduled school meals (e.g. ordering food from a restaurant or bringing a food truck to school during the lunch period).
  2. Schools must notify parents/guardians of any celebrations that will involve food and must make accommodations for students with allergies or other food-related concerns. Celebrations must not replace the regularly scheduled school meals or prevent dining staff from preparing meals except in the case of student field trips. Schools must conform with: (i) applicable federal regulations, (ii) the Board’s Chronic Conditions Management Policy; (iii) the guidelines to this Policy.

F. Student Access to Nutritious Foods:

In order to increase student access to nutritious foods the OSHW and NSS will work with community organizations and partners to identify additional opportunities to increase food access, such as school-based farmers markets and food pantries. Additionally, schools must:

  1. Promote the school meal program, ensuring families know that all students can have breakfast and lunch at no cost, every day.
  2. Refer all eligible students to CPS' Children and Family Benefits Unit to enroll them in any appropriate state and federal benefits programs such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and All Kids (Medicaid).
  3. Promote student participation in the federally-funded summer food service programs and coordinate activities with city agencies to maximize student summer services and student participation in federally-funded summer food service programs.
  4. Promote student participation in after school and summer programs that serve students healthy snacks and/or meals which meet federal and state regulations. Schools that provide after school or summer programming should connect with NSS and establish meal and/or snack services.
  5. Conduct periodic reviews to ensure that items served and sold on school grounds are in compliance with this policy.

V. Physical Activity and Physical Education

  • Daily Opportunities for Physical Activity
    Physical Activity can improve students’ ability to focus, learn, and achieve academically. All schools must discourage extended periods (two hours or more) of time when a student is not physically active. When activities, such as school testing, make it necessary for students to remain indoors for long periods of time, schools should provide periodic breaks during which students are encouraged to be moderately to vigorously active.
    Schools must provide all students, PK-12 with daily opportunities for physical activity before, during and after school.
    1. Grade Level Requirements:
      • Pre-K programs must provide a mix of structured physical activity and unstructured free play, including at least 30 minutes per day for half day programs and 60 minutes per day for full day programs.
      • K-8 Schools must provide daily opportunities for moderate to vigorous physical activity for all students in addition to recess and physical education.
        1. Grades K-5. District schools must provide all students in grades K-5 30 minutes of supervised, unstructured physical activity daily.
          1. All unstructured physical activity must comply with a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 Plan.
          2. All unstructured physical activity must not include student use of any electronic devices (computers, tablets, phones, or videos that encourage sedentary behavior).
          3. Physical Education must not be counted towards this requirement for unstructured physical activity.
          4. This 30 minutes is inclusive of the required 20 minute daily recess (section V.B.).
        2. Grades 6-8. Schools must provide daily opportunities for moderate to vigorous physical activity in addition to recess and physical education.
      • Grades 9-12. High Schools are encouraged to maximize existing daily opportunities for physical activity (in addition to physical education) before, during, and after school.
    2. Implementation Goals:
      Curriculum Integration: All core subjects including math, science, language arts, health, family and consumer science, and social sciences should maximize student attention and focus by integrating movement daily.
    3. Out of School Physical Activity: Schools shall encourage students to engage in continuous physical activities (moderate to vigorous) outside of school hours for a minimum of 15 to 30 minutes on five or more days per week through participation in community programs, after school programs and/or before school programs.
    4. School Community Shared-Use: In an effort to increase equitable community access to physical activity, schools are encouraged to consider opportunities to open indoor and outdoor facilities during non-school hours for free use by students, staff, families, and/or the larger community, provided the following requirements are observed:
      • Such events (e.g. dance or other fitness classes, basketball nights, etc.) are hosted and supervised by the school;
      • Applicable facilities include gymnasiums, playgrounds, schoolyards, sports fields, courts, and tracks, but does not include swimming pools.
      • Board Rule 6-25 and Board policies and procedures regarding safety and security, including but not limited to staffing and background checks, are followed;
      • Third party organizations, whether non- or for-profit organizations, are not covered under this provision, and must enter into a License Agreement or School Usage Permit per Board Rule 6-25. Contact the Real Estate Department for more information; and .
      • The Principal must consult with the Office of Safety & Security and the Department of Facilities to ensure that there is sufficient staffing coverage and safety measures in place to protect the health, safety, and cleanliness of the school and its students and staff. The school is responsible for funding any associated costs of staffing due to extension of any after hours or incremental activities.
  • Recess: Recess provides students with a break from instruction and time to engage in play with peers. All elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools with elementary grades, must provide elementary students (K-8) with a daily opportunity for recess that:
    1. Is a non-instructional activity and occurs during non-instructional time.
    2. Is at least 20 minutes in length per day. Schools that serve grades K-5 may schedule a 30 minute recess in accordance with section V.A.1.b of this policy.
    3. Includes physical activity and/or activities that promote social skill development.
    4. Is scheduled prior to students’ lunch periods when possible.
    5. Is implemented in accordance with guidelines set by the Office of Student Health and Wellness, including but not limited to weather guidelines for outdoor recess.
    6. May not be withheld or revoked for any reason, including as a disciplinary measure.
  • Physical Education: The District recognizes that Physical Education is an important part of overall physical activity in schools. Schools must offer physical education programming in accordance with the Illinois School Code and the CPS Physical Education Policy, as overseen and administered by the Office of Teaching and Learning.

VI. Health Education:

Comprehensive Health Education promotes individual and community health through a planned progression of developmentally appropriate learning experiences across multiple dimensions of wellness and health topics. Through a focus on teaching functional health information and the health skills outlined in the National Health Education Standards, comprehensive health education supports students in acquiring the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to adopt, practice, and maintain health-enhancing behaviors. Health education is a required component of elementary, middle, and high school coursework. In grades K-6, health education should be part of the formal regular instructional program at each grade level. In middle school, students should receive, at minimum, the equivalent of one semester of health education. In high school, students should receive, at minimum, one semester of health education.

  • Schools should utilize the CPS Health Education Curriculum, which covers the health skills outlined in the National Health Education Standards as well as priority content including but not limited to tobacco, alcohol, vaping, and other drug use, sexual health, violence prevention, personal health and safety, mental health, physical activity, and nutrition.
  • Nutrition Education: In order to establish a standardized approach to nutrition education, schools must provide nutrition education programming linking the classroom, dining center, and school garden (where applicable) under the following framework:
    1. Grade Level Requirements:

      • All schools and campuses serving grades PK-8 are required to integrate evidence-based nutrition education into the curriculum in all grade levels included therein. Elementary schools that do not serve all grades PK-8 (e.g. PK only, K-3, K-4, K-5, etc.), Middle Schools serving grades 6-8 or 7-8, Academic Centers located in high schools serving grades 7-8, and High Schools serving grades 6,7, or 8 are subject to the requirements of this section.
      • High Schools serving grades 9-12 are required to integrate evidence-based nutrition education into the curriculum of at least two high school courses required for graduation.
    2. Nutrition Education Implementation: Each school Principal must select curricula that:

      • aligns with the National Health Education Standards and the CPS Health Education Scope and Sequence, and
      • provides evidence-based nutrition instruction that is consistent with or exceeds the most current U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s “Dietary Guidelines for Americans” and the most current “My Plate” plan. OSHW, in collaboration with the department of NSS, will provide a list of resources to help schools meet this requirement.
      • Additionally, schools:
        1. may supplement this curriculum with resources provided by the USDA’s Team Nutrition or other approved sources vetted by OSHW’s Materials Review Committee (section VII.4). iv. should encourage maximization of classroom time by integrating nutrition education into lesson plans of other school subjects including math, science, language arts, physical education, health, and social sciences.
        2. must provide students with consistent nutrition education messages through multiple channels in addition to classroom instruction including nutrition information provided in the cafeteria, health fairs, field trips, after school programming, and assemblies
        3. are encouraged to utilize the school garden, if one exists, for nutrition education and ensure that students have opportunities to interact with the garden throughout the growing season.
        4. must comply with any additional nutrition education requirements specified in Healthy CPS.

VII. Social-Emotional Climate:

In order to ensure schools are addressing the social-emotional climate for all students, the following policies and guidelines must be followed:

  • Anti-Bullying: As stated in CPS’ Addressing Bullying and Bias-Based Behaviors Policy, schools must foster a respectful and open learning environment and take steps to support appropriate classroom behaviors and pre-empt behaviors that may disrupt sexual health education lessons. Schools must promote and affirm the diversity within the student population by ensuring an inclusive learning environment that supports students’ individual identities.
  • Non-Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct And Retaliation: As stated in CPS’ Comprehensive Non-Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct And Retaliation Policy: schools must provide a safe and secure working and learning environment free from Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and/or Retaliation in any program or activity it conducts. Instructors must be mindful that racial discrimination and microaggressions are prohibited as outlined in this policy. Sexual harassment or misconduct will not be condoned and must be reported and handled immediately by appropriate parties, such as the Office of Student Protections and Title IX and the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office.
  • Comprehensive Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Policy: To ensure the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQ+ students, schools must adhere to the criteria outlined in the Comprehensive Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Policy.
  • Support for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Questioning Plus (LGBTQ+) students: All staff must complete annual Safe and Supportive Environments for Transgender, Nonbinary, Gender Nonconforming, and LGBTQ+ Students training provided by the Office of Student Health and Wellness. All staff must adhere to the protections stipulated in the CPS Guidelines Regarding the Support of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students and CPS Guidelines Regarding the Support of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Employees.
  • LGBTQ+ Supportive Student Clubs: As a research-driven approach to supporting all students, schools are encouraged to host an LGBTQ+ supportive club for example, a Genders and Sexualities Alliance (GSA) or similar youth-led club. If a student indicates they would like an LGBTQ+ supportive club, then a school must accommodate that request. Staff may also initiate the creation of an LGBTQ+ supportive club and may access the District’s GSA Advisor Training for guidance. If a school offers any club to students, then it must also permit a GSA or similar club.

VIII. Physical Environment:

  • Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Youth (PPY): The rights of pregnant and parenting students are federally protected under Title IX. Additionally, per state and law, public and charter schools must provide lactating students with reasonable accommodations including: access to a private and secure room, other than a restroom; permission to bring a breast pump onto campus and access to a power source; access to a place to store breastmilk, and a reasonable amount of time needed to breastfeed or pump breast milk. Schools must also provide pregnant and parenting students with the Healthy CPS Hotline to facilitate enrollment in Medicaid/Moms & Babies and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and share resources related to the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and temporary coverage for outpatient healthcare for pregnant students.
  • School Gardens: School gardens provide opportunities for enriching experiential learning and can awaken students’ natural curiosity, enhance wellness, and foster environmental stewardship and leadership within school communities. Schools are encouraged to utilize their gardens for classroom instruction- for any subject- throughout the school year. While schools are not required to have a garden, any school that does must adhere to the following requirements:
    1. The school garden must be supported by a school garden team which should include at least one teacher and an additional school support member whenever possible. Parents/caregivers, students, and community engagement is encouraged.
    2. All schools with edible gardens must complete the Eat What You Grow Certification or Recertification training and PFSP (personalized food safety plan), annually as well as adhere to the guidelines, policies and procedures outlined within Eat What You Grow: A Food Safety Manual for Consuming Produce Grown at Schools.

IX. Employee Wellness

CPS encourages school staff to pursue a healthy lifestyle that contributes to their improved physical and health status, improved morale, and a greater personal commitment to the school’s overall comprehensive health program. In order to achieve this:

  • OSHW will work with the Office of Talent to establish health-promoting programs and initiatives focused on skill development and lifestyle changes including but not limited to nutrition, physical activity, mental health, and general wellbeing.
  • School administrators and Network staff are encouraged to develop wellness initiatives that support the unique needs of their staff within the school’s capacity, such as expanding access to exercise facilities (gym, weight room), or hosting staff-focused wellness events.

X. Family Engagement & Community Involvement:

  • Schools are encouraged to provide parents/guardians with information to help them incorporate healthy eating and physical activity into their child’s lives in and outside of school. This information may be provided in the form of handouts, postings on the school website, information provided in school newsletters, presentations that focus on nutrition and healthy lifestyles and any other appropriate means available for reaching parents. Schools should only share information that aligns with the District’s commitment to a whole child, healing-centered approach, as outlined by OSHW’s Guidelines for Nutrition Education.
  • Parents/Guardians and community members are encouraged to participate in their schools’ health and wellness activities by serving on their school’s Wellness Team. Schools are encouraged to host family and community events that focus on health and wellness topics including nutrition education and physical activity.

XI. Local School Implementation:

  • School Wellness Champion: The principal must annually designate, via a survey provided by OSHW, a school employee to serve as the School Wellness Champion who will (i) lead and coordinate their school’s efforts to create and sustain a culture of health and wellness, (ii) serve as the liaison to CPS Office of Student Health and Wellness regarding school level efforts to implement this policy and reporting as needed, and (iii) annually establish, serve on and lead a School Wellness Team that develops goals, strategies and initiatives for student health and wellness during the school year.
  • School Wellness Team: Each school is required to have a wellness team, a group of individuals who work to create a culture of health and wellness within the school. The principal must ensure that a School Wellness Team is formed annually to spearhead health and wellness initiatives at the school that are in compliance with the Office of Student Health and Wellness’ Healthy CPS Initiative, as well as coordinate compliance plans and efforts for ensuring adherence to policy requirements. The Wellness Team must be representative of the overall school community to the greatest extent possible, and should include parents/guardians, teachers of physical education, classroom teachers, school health professionals, students, school administrators and community health and wellness partners, and other relevant stakeholders. Schools that have gardens and Pre-K programs must include representatives of both on their Wellness Team, and student groups must be consulted on a regular basis. Wellness Teams must meet at least quarterly. The principal must establish a system to identify School Wellness Team members annually.
  • Reporting: The principal must provide quarterly updates to the Local School Council regarding the school’s health and wellness initiatives and the school’s implementation of this policy. In addition, schools must report progress to the Office of Student Health and Wellness when requested including through completion of an annual survey.

XII. Support and Oversight:

The Office of Student Health and Wellness will:

  • Provide technical assistance, support and professional development/training to assist schools with implementation of the policy and improve programming functions;
  • Ensure schools are offered support services through various departments including OSHW, NSS, and the Office of Teaching and Learning to ensure the full implementation of this policy;
  • Lead a Whole Child Advisory Council, with representatives from departments connected to the 10 WSCC components to continuously review CPS policies, protocols, resources, and services related to supporting the Whole Child.
  • Maintain a process for identifying and distributing resources made available by qualified agencies and community organizations for the purpose of collaborating with schools to enhance implementation of this policy, including but not limited to a Materials Review Committee comprised of content experts from OSHW and other relevant CPS departments including but not limited to the Office of Teaching and Learning and the Office of Social-Emotional Learning, to vet curricula and programs related to Nutrition Education, Physical Activity, and Gardens;
  • Establish a process to gather regular reporting and feedback from individual schools, community partners, students and parents on the implementation of the policy;
  • Establish a process for assessing the equity impact of this policy, including how the policy is implemented in relation to who is most impacted by inequity to determine targeted universalist supports for schools;
  • Collaborate with NSS to conduct periodic evaluations and report on district-wide and individual schools’ compliance with the Policy; and
  • By June 2026, conduct a district-wide review and assessment of this policy and propose relevant Policy revisions.

XIII. School Progress Report Measure

CPS will provide an annual indicator on the CPS School Progress Report that is directly correlated with the school’s health and wellness environment and school’s compliance with this and any applicable federal regulations and related Board policy. CPS will also provide an annual report of district-wide policy compliance on the public-facing website.

XIV. Review of Policy Coordination Efforts

The Chief Health Officer and Executive Director of NSS must designate individuals from central office departments and schools, as well as external stakeholders to convene at least annually, and on an as-needed basis, to review CPS wellness and community coordination efforts and opportunities.

XV. Guidelines

The Chief Health Officer and Executive Director of NSS or designee is authorized to develop and implement guidelines, standards and toolkits to ensure the effective implementation of this policy.

Policy References

Amends/Rescinds Rescinds Board Report 22-0622-PO4
Amends 20-1216-PO2
Cross References Board Rule 6-25
17-0628-PO4 [407.4- Breakfast After the Bell]
21-1027-PO1 [605.9 - Physical Education]
22-0323-PO1 [704.13- Comprehensive Mental Health and Suicide Prevention]
22-0622-PO5 [705.5A- Addressing Bullying and Bias-Based Behaviors]
22-0928-PO2 [102.8A - Comprehensive Non-Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation]
20-1216-PO2 [Rescinds 17-0628-PO5 and 17-0628-PO6 [407.3 – Healthy Snack and Beverage Policy]
Note: 12-1024-PO1 Rescinds 06-0823-PO4 and 95-0527-PO1
Legal References Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, 42 USC 1751; Illinois Critical Health Problems and Comprehensive Health Education Act 105 ILCS 110 et seq;, 7 CFR Parts 210 and 220, USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards; 105 ILCS 5/27- 6.3.;105 ILCS 5/10-20.60; 105 ILCS 5/2-3.189; 105 ILCS 125/5.5 new, Equal Access Act of 1984. H.R. 5345
Public Comment Pursuant to Board Rule 2-6 this Policy was subject to Public Comment from 03/17/23-04/17/23
Pursuant to Board Rule 2-6 this Policy was subject to Public Comment from 4/22/22 - 5/23/22
Pursuant to Board Rule 2-6 this Policy was subject to Public Comment from 10/9/20 – 11/9/20

Policy Managed By Student Health and Wellness (OSHW)


42 W. Madison St.
Chicago, IL 60602