- An emergency shall be determined when, in the judgment of the CPO:
- it is necessary to make repairs and alterations, and purchase equipment, services or supplies (collectively, “Emergency Expenditures”);
- The Emergency Expenditures are necessary as a result of circumstances which call for immediate action (the “Conditions Precedent”); and
- the Conditions Precedent are a result of fire, accident, threat to the health, safety, security of individuals or other conditions, and such action is necessary to prevent material loss or damage to property, bodily injury or loss of life of the occupants of the Board’s buildings and third parties who may be present in its buildings or on its premises, to prevent interference with school sessions or to protect the health, safety, security or well-being of students, staff or third parties (“Emergency Condition(s)”).
- In order to obtain approval of an Emergency Expenditure, the following steps must be taken:
- obtain the verbal or written approval of the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Education Officer, Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Operations Officer or such other chief officer charged with authority over the Conditions Precedent;
- obtain the verbal or written approval of the CPO;
- after the work has been completed, the purchases have been made or the services have been rendered to the satisfaction of the appropriate Department, complete a Request to Approve Emergency Expenditure on a form approved by the CPO (the “Emergency Request Form”);
- obtain the verification of the appropriate chief officer on the Emergency Request Form; and
- have the Emergency Request Form signed by the CPO.
- If an Emergency Condition occurs after business hours, on a weekend, on a holiday or at any other time when the appropriate chief officer and the CPO cannot be contacted, each other appropriate Chief Officer of the Board, or their designee, has the authority to take the necessary action at his/her own discretion. The foregoing authority is limited to the minimum expenditure of funds necessary to stabilize an Emergency Condition and protect persons and property from further harm. After the Emergency Request Form has been completed, the CPO shall prepare a Board Report and obtain approval of the Emergency Expenditure by a ¾ vote of the Board.
Rule References
Cross References | Board Rule 7-5 was revised and adopted at the April 26, 2023 Board Meeting [Board Report 23-0426-RU3]. |
Public Comment | Pursuant to Board Rule 2-6 Chapter VII was subject to Public Comment from 2/17/23-3/17/23 and adopted at the April 26, 2023 Board Meeting [Board Report 23-0426-RU3]. |