Getting to Know an Exceptional Soon-to-Be Graduate from Claremont Academy
30 May 2024
Kendall is known as someone who will always help out his peers.

When Ms. Trespertean Cade-Wright got to know Kendall a few years ago, she could tell that he was a student who could do whatever he put his mind to. He was always tuning out any distractions around him to focus on his academics. She was also impressed by his ability to help out his peers.
“Kendall has a friend who is trying to be more like him, and Kendall is always extremely encouraging when he helps this friend out,” said Ms. Cade-Wright. “Another one of his good qualities is that he knows when to step away for a bit when he is not as focused as he should be.”
Now, as Kendall prepares to graduate from Claremont and head to Simeon Career Academy next year, Ms. Cade-Wright wants him to continue being a good role model for others and keep his academics as his priority. Get to know Kendall more below.
What are your interests both inside and outside of the classroom?
My favorite subject is either math or science because they’re both fun, and I’ve always liked numbers. In math, we’ve been multiplying exponents and learning algebra, and, in science, we’ve been learning about light and thermal energy.
Outside of school, I love to play basketball. I can finish; it’s easy for me to get to the rim; and I’m a good shooter. My favorite basketball player is Kevin Durant.
How do you think your teachers and classmates would describe you?
I would say hard-working and smart. I always try to stay on top of everything. I don’t really play around unless I’m with my friends.
What would you say is your biggest accomplishment of elementary school?
When I first came to Claremont, my standardized test scores were in the red. Now, they’re in the green. All I can do is thank my teachers because they pushed me and saw something in me that has helped me get to where I am now.
Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
I want to play in the NBA and live a nice life with all of my family members.
What advice would you give to future eighth-grade students?
I would remind them not to compare themselves to others, stay focused, and keep working hard. This is how they will achieve what they want.
If you could sum up your time at Claremont in one word, what would it be and why?
Fun. Claremont was just a fun school because I felt like everyone here was a lot like me.
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