Celebrating an Outstanding Safe Passage Field Supervisor
24 August 2023
Mr. Williams is known for his enthusiastic attitude and positivity.
Earlier this month, CPS held its annual Safe Passage Rally to highlight and encourage all of the workers involved in the District’s Safe Passage program. For over a decade, this program has supported students at hundreds of schools across Chicago by keeping them safe as they walk to and from school. Safe Passage workers are employed by community-based organizations, allowing them to build strong relationships with their school communities.
One of the workers celebrated was Mr. Xavier Williams, a field supervisor who supports six schools on Chicago’s West Side through Westside Health Authority. In this role, he oversees about 30 other employees and makes sure they have the resources and support needed to excel in their roles. He is known for his enthusiastic attitude and constant positivity. Get to know him more below.
How do you feel connected to the mission of the Safe Passage program?
I’m happy to be a part of something that is greater than me and love helping people and making a positive impact. I first got involved with Safe Passage in 2010 and was so excited to do it. I’m grateful that I was pulled in when I was and couldn’t picture myself doing anything else than what I’m doing right now.
How would you describe the community you serve?
The six schools that I’m in charge of are all in the Austin community. We have our ups and downs, just like anywhere else, but there are some wonderful, nice, and kind people that live here. They will help you and do whatever they can for you.
I was born and raised in this community, and it’s a beautiful place to live. I’m excited to still be a part of Austin. In my opinion, it’s one of the best places in Chicago.
What causes your enthusiasm and positivity?
I love people. I love being around people and helping them. Trying to make people smile is something I do on a daily basis, and this role gives me the opportunity to do that on a greater level.
I’m just a happy person because I believe that life is too short to walk around being sad and discouraged. I’m encouraged every day when I get up that all things are possible and that it’s going to be a good day.
What keeps you coming back to Safe Passage year after year?
The kids. The relationships and bonds that we have with them, and the smiles on their faces when they see us, show us that we make their day and they make our day. Their excitement makes me even more excited to make a positive impact in their lives.
I love it when they run up to me and say: “I did good on my test today!” or “My studying paid off!” because it shows me that what I’m doing is not in vain. I’m helping somebody and making a difference.
What are your goals for this school year?
I want to make an even greater impact than I have in previous years. In the past, I and some of the other workers have purchased coats and school supplies to ensure that the kids have a great school year. I want to do more of that this year on a greater scale.
If a student is having a rough time, it makes me feel good to know that I can make their day better and their year better. That will help them be successful in their education and soar in life.
What is your message this school year for your community, especially the students you serve?
My message is that this is going to be a successful, peaceful year for our children. While we may have had struggles and ups and downs in the past, I want them to press forward and look toward the future. Our future is going to be greater than our past.
We need to keep encouraging our students and lifting them up. We have to keep on telling them how great they are and reminding them that they can become whoever they want to be.
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