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News and Stories from across the District

Welcoming our Middle School Students Back to School

09 March 2021

Some of our favorite shots capturing a successful return to school for our sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade students.

A teacher using a whiteboard

The last few years of elementary school are an exciting transitional period as students begin to think about high school and beyond while reflecting on all the ways they have grown since they were in Pre-K or kindergarten. Being able to close out their time in elementary school alongside their peers and teachers is how it should be for these students, and we’re thrilled to be able to welcome them back to their classrooms. 

If you’re curious about what a school day will look like for students, make sure to visit the CPS Reopening Website for school day examples and more information about health and safety protocols. This page also provides easy access to important resources such as the district’s daily health screenercommunity updates, and meal site calendar. 

Reopening schools has always been about equity and providing families with options to best meet their needs. People say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so take a look below at some of our favorite shots capturing a successful return to school for our sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade students. 

Teacher checking health screener before allowing students to enter school

An important first step before entering the building—making sure the health screener is completed!

Students standing outside
Waiting patiently to enter the building at Richardson Middle School. Social distancing is key!
Student sitting at a desk
Pre-K continues to run smoothly at Durkin Park Elementary School!
Student doing in class exercises
Staying active at Lorca Elementary!
A student using a a tablet
Technology will continue to be an important part of the school day whether your student is learning at school or at home. 
A teacher reading to the class
Time for story time!
A student looking at her teacher
Taking notes and ready for a great rest of the school year!

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