Meeting the needs of all students
MTSS is a continuous process that is applicable to all students, ranging from Tier 1 interventions for the general student population through Tier 3 for individual students. MTSS incorporates performance data and progress monitoring to inform evidence-based decisions about the intensity and duration of interventions.
When interventions don’t lead to improved outcomes, the school or the student’s parents or guardian may initiate a request for a special education evaluation.
Figure: MTSS Tiers
A fundamental concept of MTSS is that all students receive core academic and behavioral supports, and additional targeted instruction and interventions are provided to students as needed, based on a continuous review of the child’s performance; root cause analysis of problem areas; and refinements to strategies, supports and interventions to address what is not working.
Tiers of academic and behavioral instruction and supports
Tier 1
Core Instruction and Supports
General academic and behavioral support, differentiated for all students in a general education setting.
Tier 2
Targeted Supplemental Instruction and Intervention
More focused, targeted instruction, interventions, and supplemental supports, provided in a general education setting (in addition to Tier 1).
Tier 3
Intensive Individualized Instruction and Intervention
The most intense instruction and intervention that is made available and provided in a small group general education setting.
Determining the appropriate tier of support/intervention:
Step 1
- Teacher (or parent, administrator, or counselor) recognizes a consistent need exhibited by the student.
- Discrepancy in the student’s academic, social/emotional, behavioral, and/or physical ability may signal the need for additional academic or behavioral supports.
Step 2
- School-level team will engage in the problem-solving process to determine the root cause.
Step 3
- School-level team will strategize and develop a cooperative plan that includes tiered interventions to close the gap for the student.
Implementation of additional tiered support
Typically students will be identified by school-level teams and have alternative education strategies implemented prior to referral for special education assessments, unless a disability is clearly suspected. Intervention teams usually consist of the teacher, an administrator, and/or other general education teachers. Effective interventions are:
- Research or evidence-based
- Engaging and delivered with high quality instruction
Frequent monitoring of progress and application of student response data to determine further educational and behavioral decisions must also be included.