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EFMP Community Roundtables

CPS is currently in the process of evaluating our facilities. As part of this process, the District hosted community roundtables in December 2023 and January 2024 to gather feedback from our stakeholders on what they feel are the greatest facility needs in their school communities.

The total number of participants was 1,130, virtually and across 16 meeting sites. CPS also administered a student survey in February 2024 to gather feedback about what physical updates and improvements our students would most want to see in their schools.

Results from the student survey, along with feedback gathered during our community roundtables, were analyzed by our partners at Hanover, and a set of key findings was then created. You can review a summary of those findings below or read the full report.

Key Findings

Key themes and trends across the community roundtable sessions and student survey included the following:

  • Outdated Buildings

    Many facilities are aging with outdated infrastructure and equipment. Participants noted that many schools lack modern learning facilities, adequate bathrooms, and proper temperature regulation.

  • Underutilization of Spaces

    Many schools have underutilized spaces that could be used more effectively. Suggested solutions include repurposing underutilized buildings to expand existing programs, community activities, adult learning, resource centers, and additional amenities.

  • Safety and Security

    Roundtable participants raise several concerns related to building security. These included traffic dangers around school premises and safety for students entering and leaving schools.

  • Overcrowding

    A limited number of CPS schools are experiencing overcrowding. However, roundtable participants report that overcrowding at these schools is making it difficult to find spaces for students with diverse learning needs and affecting the quality of teaching and learning.

  • Social and Emotional Health and Wellness

    Social emotional concerns were a prominent theme across roundtable sessions. Participants raised concerns about students perceived as not following the code of conduct, staff burnout, and the lack of support for special education students.

  • College and Career Readiness

    Roundtable participants strongly advocate for more spaces and additional resources to be dedicated to college and career readiness. They highlight the District’s unequal distribution of Career and Technical Education (CTE) and STEM programs. They point out the loss of programs such as nursing, business, and agriculture at some high schools due to limited facilities and budget constraints as areas of concern.

  • Community Involvement and Transparency

    Roundtable participants issue a resounding call for more community involvement, parent education, and transparency from the district. They raise concerns about insufficient communication with parents and the community. They particularly advocate for more avenues facilitating parent involvement in schools and greater District accountability for equitable school funding and decision-making.

  • Resource Distribution: Charter Schools

    Multiple roundtable participants raise concerns about funding for CPS charter schools within the District, which are perceived to divert resources from other schools. Some participants reported that many parents transfer their children to CPS charter schools due to concerns about safety and resource limitations. Participants advocate for improving conditions in neighborhood schools by prioritizing safety and security, motivating curriculum, and establishing safety networks.

  • Meeting Diverse Needs

    Roundtable participants highlight the importance of equitably meeting the needs of all learners, such as students with disabilities (SWD), English learners (ELs), and Multilingual Learners (ML). Participants note that whereas some schools have special education and BIL resources but need more physical space, others do not have programming resources but appear to have enough physical space.ming resources but appear to have enough physical space.

Session Specific Findings

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