Some school activities and programs are tracked through Out of School Time (OST). For a list of programs and participation rates, please see the OST page.
- Band/Orchestra
- Choir/Chorus
- Dance
- Drama
- Drawing
- Fashion
- Fundamentals/Theory of Music
- Mixed Media
- Mosaics
- Murals
- Painting
- Paper Making
- Photography
- Rock Band
- Sketching
- Student Art Club
- Student Music Club
- Talent Show
Health and Wellness
- Crisis Intervention Services
- Health Curriculum Utilized
- Physical Education
- Recess Daily
- School-based Dental Services
- Targeted Interventions
Life and Leadership
- Peer Mentors
- Service Learning/Community Volunteer Program
Parent and Community
- Conflict Resolution
- Enrichment Classes
- Family Nights
- Field Trip
- Parent Advocacy
- Peace Circles
- Academic Olympics
- Bilingual Support
- Book/Reading Club
- Chess Team
- Chicago History Fair
- History Club
- Homework Club/Study Group
- Homework Help
- Math Bowl
- Newspaper
- Poetry Workshops
- Science Club
- Spelling Team
- Tutoring
- Writers Workshop
- Yearbook Club
- Young Authors
- After School All-Stars Elite
- Early Childhood Program
- Kindergarten