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1628 W WASHINGTON , Chicago, Illinois 60612


Inclusive and Collaborative Structures and Involved and Engaged Youth

Data that shows how schools involve students in meaningful decision-making processes that impact their school experience.

The district encourages school teams to create a student voice infrastructure that builds youth-adult partnerships in decision making and centers student perspective and leadership at all levels and efforts of continuous improvement. Schools seek student input through surveys, focus groups, and student committees, ensuring students have a voice in shaping school activities and policies. Students also have opportunities to take on leadership roles, participate in projects that address real-world issues, and learn about civic action. By involving students in these ways, schools create a more inclusive environment where students feel valued and connected to their school community.

What Does This Measure

The indicator measures the infrastructure within the school to seek out and use student voice and student input in decision making at the school. This is important because strong youth-adult partnership informs school-level continuous improvement, engaged students, and more meaningful improvement.

Questions to Ask Your School

Does your school seek student input through surveys, focus groups, and student committees?

How the District Supports Improvement

Student Voice Facilitators receive professional learning and artifacts that highlight strong Student Voice Committee work.

Stay Tuned
We are currently collecting information for this section. Data will be available and published in 2025.

CPS | 400043