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Balanced Assessment System

School-level information about how well assessment plans meet district standards for balanced assessment systems across grades, subjects, and types of assessments.

Stay Tuned
We are currently working on the layout for this metric.

SY25 Balanced Assessment Ratings

The tables provide information about the alignment of schools’ assessment plans for School Year 2024-2025 (SY25) with the CPS balanced assessment framework. For each recommendation, a school could earn a designation of “Fully Meeting,” “Partially Meeting,” or “Not Meeting.” Schools earn this designation based on 1) the assessment the school uses 2) the grade-levels it is administered to and 3) the number of assessment administrations .The table only includes assessments that are included in schools’ yearly assessment plan process; it does not include required assessments, such as those required by the state or those mandated as a part of specific programs (e.g. AP, IB, observational assessments in Pre-K classrooms, etc.) . Refer to the SY25 Guide to the CPS Assessment Landscape or visit the CPS Assessment page  for more information.

This plan data is updated as of 10/25/24.

Common unit assessments help teachers, students, and families understand how well students are demonstrating mastery of the curriculum’s unit objectives.

Common Unit Assessments
Subject Recommended
Assessed Grades District-funded Assessments School-selected Assessment Recommended Number of Administrations Planned Number of Administrations Adoption Status
ELA K-8 K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Skyline Common Unit Assessments Common Unit Assessments At the End of Each Unit 2 Partially Meeting
Math K-8 K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Skyline Common Unit Assessments Common Unit Assessments At the End of Each Unit 2 Partially Meeting
Science K-8 K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Skyline Common Unit Assessments Common Unit Assessments At the End of Each Unit 2 Partially Meeting
Social Studies K-8 K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Skyline Common Unit Assessments Common Unit Assessments At the End of Each Unit 2 Partially Meeting
SLA K-8 Not Included in Plan Skyline Common Unit Assessments Not Included in Plan At the End of Each Unit (if offered) 0
World languages K-8 Not Included in Plan Skyline Common Unit Assessments Not Included in Plan At the End of Each Unit 0 Not Meeting
Arts K-8 Not Included in Plan Not Included in Plan At the End of Each Unit 0 Not Meeting
Health/PE K-8 Not Included in Plan Not Included in Plan At the End of Each Unit 0 Not Meeting

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