SY25 Balanced Assessment Ratings
The tables provide information about the alignment of schools’ assessment plans for School Year 2024-2025 (SY25) with the CPS balanced assessment framework. For each recommendation, a school could earn a designation of “Fully Meeting,” “Partially Meeting,” or “Not Meeting.” Schools earn this designation based on 1) the assessment the school uses 2) the grade-levels it is administered to and 3) the number of assessment administrations .The table only includes assessments that are included in schools’ yearly assessment plan process; it does not include required assessments, such as those required by the state or those mandated as a part of specific programs (e.g. AP, IB, observational assessments in Pre-K classrooms, etc.) . Refer to the SY25 Guide to the CPS Assessment Landscape or visit the CPS Assessment page for more information.
This plan data is updated as of 3/26/25.
No Balanced Assessment Information Available for this School