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New Hybrid Chicago Board of Education Convenes for First Meeting

15 January 2025

Chicago Public Schools (CPS) now has the largest governing body for a public school system

CPS Office of Communications

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CHICAGO— In a historic moment, the Chicago Board of Education (BOE) inducted 20 members into its new hybrid Board on Wednesday, swearing in what is now the largest governing body for a public school system in the United States. The induction ceremony was part of the Board’s monthly Agenda Review Committee Meeting, held inside a redesigned boardroom with expanded seating for the new Board Members and increased accessibility for the public.

“This is a monumental and exciting time for the Board and the District,” said Board President Sean B. Harden. “I’m looking forward to building strong relationships and consensus with my fellow Board members to keep students at the core of our work as we continue to elevate the District.

The new hybrid Board for Chicago Public Schools (CPS) – which consists of 11 members appointed by the mayor and 10 elected members representing individual districts – conducted its first order of business by voting in Olga Bautista as its new Board Vice President. An additional appointed member will be named for the total 21-member board.

“This new and expanded Board represents the wholehearted faith and transformational efforts being placed in our public education system,” said CPS CEO Pedro Martinez. “I am looking forward to working with all the Board Members to continue the critical work outlined in the District’s five-year strategic plan, which sets us on the right path to provide the best daily learning environment possible for Chicago’s children.”

Under this new Board structure, the City of Chicago is divided into 10 districts. Each of those are divided into two subdistricts, making 20 subdistricts across the city that each have Board representation. The Board has 11 members, including the Board President, who are mayoral appointees and 10 who are elected members representing individual districts. Each elected Board Member must reside within the district that the member represents. Appointed Board Members are required to reside both within the district the member represents and outside of the subdistrict where the elected member resides.

The hybrid BOE members include:

  • President: Sean B. Harden
  • District 1A: Ed Bannon
  • District 1B:  Jennifer Custer
  • District 2A: Ebony DeBerry
  • District 2B: Debby Pope
  • District 3A: Norma Rios-Sierra
  • District 3B: Carlos Rivas Jr.
  • District 4A: Karen Zaccor
  • District 4B: Ellen Rosenfeld
  • District 5A: Jitu Brown
  • District 5B: Michilla Blaise
  • District 6A: Anusha Thotakura
  • District 6B: Jessica Biggs
  • District 7A: Emma Lozano
  • District 7B: Yesenia Lopez
  • District 8A: Angel Gutierrez
  • District 8B: (To be appointed)
  • District 9A: Frank Niles Thomas
  • District 9B: Therese Boyle
  • District 10A: Che “Rhymefest” Smith
  • District 10B: Olga Bautista

Board Responsibilities

The BOE fulfills a number of specific key responsibilities that include, but are not limited to: hiring and evaluating the Chief Executive Officer; establishing the direction, goals and priorities for the District; approving District policies; and approving purchasing decisions, contracts and interpersonal agreements. Board Members,who volunteer their time and service, can expect to spend at least 25 to 30 hours per month fulfilling their duties and accountabilities. Much of their time involves attending and actively participating in the BOE’s public meetings. Board Members are regularly briefed in preparation for these monthly meetings to ensure they are informed on agenda items and potential issues.

Preparation for Board Duty

Board and CPS staff prepared the new Board Members for their roles and responsibilities. During the week of January 6, members of the hybrid Board participated in a five-day orientation that provided an overview of Board Member roles, Board governance, District operations, team building and ethics. The orientation aimed to help new Board members understand their new positions as members of a public body.

Terms in Office

The BOE will transition to a fully elected governing model in 2027. Until then, the current hybrid Board Members will each serve a two-year term. Visit to review BOE Members’ bios.

Newly Expanded Boardroom

Board Members took the Oath of Office inside its newly expanded boardroom, located at the District’s Central Office at 42 W. Madison St.. Later this month on Thursday, Jan. 30, the first Board meeting of the year will take place at 10:30 a.m. in the new boardroom. The new space will also be utilized for other meetings in compliance with Open Meetings Act rules.

A few of the Board of Education boardroom updates are as follows:

Boardroom Seating:
Expanded seating to accommodate more than 100 seats for members of the public. Five of these seats comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards for accessible design in buildings and facilities. Additionally, 14 seats have been reserved for members of the media and more than 100 mobile chairs can be added to accommodate a larger audience.

Audio Systems and Conference Capabilities:
Audio systems have been enhanced with the installation of a sound system. Overhead loudspeakers are distributed and zoned for audio reinforcement and playback purposes. Presentation sound reinforcement utilizes microphones for board members, presenters, and registered speakers.

Video conferencing can be conducted in both the boardroom and overflow areas, utilizing all-in-one conference bars equipped with internal array microphones and wide-angle cameras. The lease agreement with the owner of 1 N. Dearborn / 42 W. Madison provided for a tenant improvement (TI) allowance that was used to fund the expansion and update of the Board room.

board room image
second board room image