Romy Adorno
Lane Technical High School
Whitman College
Salvador Alfaro-Fernandez
Hubbard High School
Cornell University
Edwin Alvarez-Lara
Noble Street Charter-Pritzker College Prep
Dickinson College
Rachel Amure
King Jr. College Preparatory High School
Connecticut College
Karina Anaya
Disney II Magnet School - Lawndale Campus
Trinity College
Oluwadara Arogundade
Gwendolyn Brooks College Preparatory Academy
Oberlin College
Brianna Arteaga
Roosevelt High School
Trinity College
Margot Avery
Lane Technical High School
Oberlin College
Ayesha Bachcha
Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center
Hobart & William Smith Colleges
Nour Bakheit
Mather High School
Middlebury College
Patrick Betsayda
Noble Street College Prep-Pritzker College Prep
Pomona College
Nathaniel Buescher
Lincoln Park High School
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Isabella Campos
Solorio Academy
Whitman College
Angela Chan
Jones College Preparatory High School
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Diego Chinchilla
Amundsen High School
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Diego Cruz-Loyde
George Westinghouse College Prep High School
Pomona College
Oliver Curt
The Ogden International School of Chicago High School
Hobart & William Smith Colleges
Chloe Darby
King Jr. College Preparatory High School
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Fatma Dia
South Shore International College Prep
Hobart & William Smith Colleges
Janese Dozier
Perspectives - Leadership Academy Campus
Whitman College
Julie Duarte
Solorio Academy
DePauw University
Ketzalli Duron
Lane Technical High School
Cornell University
Jocelyn Espadin
Intrinsic Schools - Downtown Campus
Middlebury College
Noe Favela
Sarah E. Goode STEM Academy
Hobart & William Smith Colleges
Damarius Franklin
ITW David Speer Academy
Middlebury College
Frank Fregoso
Lake View High School
Dickinson College
Khabbab Gassikia
Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Nevia Gilbert
Orr Academy High School
Connecticut College
Beza Girma
Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center
DePauw University
Julissa Gomez
Noble Street Charter- Chicago Bulls College Prep
Oberlin College
Ava Gurrola
Lane Technical High School
Pomona College
Robert Hollins
Mather High School
Connecticut College
Heaven Holloway
South Shore International College Prep
Trinity College
CJ Jacobs
Taft High School
Whitman College
Alex Johnson
Noble Street Charter -Golder College Prep
Pomona College
Carisma Jones
Disney II Magnet School - Lawndale Campus
Oberlin College
Micah Knight
Lindblom Math and Science Academy High School
Whitman College
J'Aliyah Livingston
Noble Street - Gary Comer College Prep
Connecticut College
Jayaraj Lobo
Lane Technical High School
Cornell University
Keira Marks
George Westinghouse College Prep High School
DePauw University
Sofia Martinez
Noble Street - Rauner College Prep
Hobart & William Smith Colleges
Edward McKinnie
Noble Street -Pritzker College Prep
Pomona College
Akari McPhee
Noble Charter-Noble Street College Prep
Whitman College
Mia Ines Meneses
George Westinghouse College Prep High School
Hobart & William Smith Colleges
Jamiya Mosley
South Shore International College Prep
Dickinson College
Dylan Murphy
Noble Street - UIC College Prep
Trinity College
Syed Naqvi
Lane Technical High School
Trinity College
Ashley Nguyen
Mather High School
Oberlin College
Salma Olivares
William Howard Taft High School
Dickinson College
Oluwatosin Oni
South Shore International College Prep
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Julissa Ortiz
Chicago High School for the Arts
Oberlin College
Micah Quinones
ITW David Speer Academy
Oberlin College
Ashley Quintero
Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center
DePauw University
Johanna Ramirez
Back of the Yards College Prep
Cornell University
Ariana Ramos
Jones College Preparatory High School
Middlebury College
Aunika Risbrook
DeVry Advantage Academy
Dickinson College
Victoria Roberts
Kenwood Academy High School
DePauw University
Beyonca Rodriguez
George Washington High School
Whitman College
Alejandra Rubalcaba
Lake View High School
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Alberto Salgado
Hubbard High School
DePauw University
Layla Sanchez
Lane Technical High School
Whitman College
London Shields
Kenwood Academy High School
Middlebury College
Kyari Sidney
Richard T. Crane Medical Preparatory High School
Hobart & William Smith Colleges
Kathleen Tam
Noble Charter-Noble Academy
Pomona College
Sara Tejeda
Mather High School
Trinity College
Joshua Terry
Kenwood Academy High School
Trinity College
Ximena Torres
Farragut Career Academy High School
Cornell University
Anh Tran
Lane Technical High School
Trinity College
Rosaline Ventura
Solorio Academy
Pomona College
Dashawn Williams
Noble Charter-Noble Academy
Pomona College
Genevieve Winston
Lane Technical High School
Trinity College
Luke Yolich
Whitney Young Magnet High School
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Roquer Zuniga Reyes
George Washington High School
Cornell University