End of Week Message: Supporting Students’ Mental Health; Spring Break Resources for CPS Families
21 March 2025
Dear CPS Colleagues, Families, and Supporters,
A reminder that spring break runs from this Monday, March 24 through Friday, March 28!
Classes will resume for all students on Wednesday, April 2 after a school improvement day on Monday, March 31 and parent-teacher conferences on Tuesday, April 1.
I want our students to enjoy their time off, but also to stay safe and engaged. Many programs are available through the Chicago Park District, Chicago Public Library, and Navy Pier, as well as through our District’s Safe Haven Sites. In addition, students ages 13 to 19 can join My CHI. My Future. on Saturday, March 29 for its 2025 Teen Bash at the Aon Ballroom on Navy Pier! Students can enjoy a day filled with musical performances, snacks, and a resource expo for summer jobs.
And speaking of summer jobs—spring break is a great time for students to explore their options through One Summer Chicago. This initiative brings together companies, community organizations, and government agencies to offer employment and internship opportunities for students ages 14 to 24.
New Partnership to Expand Mental Health Services for CPS Students
As a District, our goal is to provide students with the resources they need to thrive, not just academically, but socially and emotionally as well. That’s why I’m excited to announce that all CPS high school students will now have access to free, high-quality online therapy and counseling through a new partnership between CPS, United Health Care, and Hazel Health, the nation’s largest school-centered provider of telehealth services.
The program will start with students accessing counseling and therapy sessions from home with permission from their parent or guardian. Then, as things move forward, they will have the option to access these virtual appointments while at school. School-based appointments will be carefully scheduled so that students do not miss out on instructional time in their core classes.
Hazel Health therapists specialize in supporting students with mental health needs that are unique to adolescents. These include:
- Mood/behavior change, motivation, grief/loss
- Anxiety, worry, fear
- Social skills, bullying, peer & family relationships
- Academic and/or transitional stress
Families can learn more about our Hazel Health partnership in this informational flyer or by visiting getstarted.hazel.co/district/cps.
I thank Hazel Health and United Health Care for partnering with CPS in our mission to provide a culture of health and wellbeing for all children, and hope that our students in need of support will take advantage of this new opportunity.
Celebrating Women’s History Month
Finally today, as we celebrate Women’s History Month, I want to thank all of the amazingly talented women at CPS who make up the vast majority of our workforce. It is their hard work that keeps this District going, and I’m constantly impressed by their skill, dedication, patience, and empathy.
I’ve been glad to see schools around the District take advantage of the opportunity this month to uplift women and girls. Some schools have hosted hands-on events to help female students explore careers in STEM, where women continue to be underrepresented.
Others have hosted panels where students heard from successful women on everything from health and self-care to drive and resilience.
And in classrooms around the District, students have been creating projects that highlight the contributions of female artists, athletes, and activists, as well as those who have famously broken glass ceilings in various career fields.
We want girls in CPS to feel inspired and empowered to achieve great things. Thankfully, they have tremendous role models in our schools to support them every step of the way. I wish all of these talented women a wonderful Women’s History Month!
Pedro Martinez
Chief Executive Officer
Chicago Public Schools
Help Us Highlight Your School
We love highlighting the amazing things that are happening day-to-day in our schools, along with the people who are making them happen! Please share your stories with us using our Good News Form so that we can amplify the many ways “the best are with CPS!”
A Look Around the District
Take a look at these highlights from schools across the District!
Network 11 recently celebrated Dean Appreciation Month with an enriching day filled with activities. Deans engaged in data review, an award ceremony, a restorative circle, a trivia competition, and a collective restorative circle.
At Graham High School in the Cragin neighborhood, two of the school’s basketball teams placed 1st in their divisions at the Special Olympics Basketball Championship.
And at Dore Elementary in Clearing, the volleyball team won the Chicago Park District’s Volleyball Championship tournament. Congratulations to both schools!
Options for Getting the Measles Vaccine
Cases of measles are currently on the rise around the country. While none have been reported in Chicago this year, we want to make sure our CPS community is protected from this very contagious disease. The best way to do this is by making sure you and your children are up to date on the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, which provides lifelong protection against measles.
Most people will have gotten the MMR vaccine during childhood. But for those who have not, there are many opportunities to get the vaccine. CPS offers school-required vaccinations like MMR, and other recommended vaccines at our school-based health clinics, and through our elementary, high school, and charter mobile clinics. Please use these links to schedule an appointment for a vaccine. Vaccines through CPS are free for those who are uninsured, underinsured, or who have health insurance through Medicaid or Medicare. For those with private insurance, please contact the clinic for details on which insurance carriers they accept.
The Chicago Department of Public Health also offers no-cost vaccines for those who are uninsured or under-insured at four immunization clinics in the city. Click here for details on these clinics. Walk-ins are welcome, but registration is highly encouraged. Create an account and register for an appointment at https://getvaxchi.chicago.gov or by calling the clinic.
Individuals with private insurance or Medicaid/Medicare can also receive vaccines at health care providers or local in-network pharmacies throughout the city. Visit vaccines.gov to find a vaccine provider. Anyone unsure about which providers are in-network should call their health insurance company before getting vaccinated to avoid out-of-network charges.
CPS School Leader Appears on Iconic Game Show
Earlier this week, students, staff, and families of Lincoln Park High School gathered for a watch party in the school auditorium as their principal, Mr. Eric Steinmiller, appeared on the iconic game show “Wheel of Fortune”. Thank you to Principal Steinmiller for giving his LPHS students a shout-out at the top of the show!
Applications Open Monday for the Next Honorary Student Board Member
The Chicago Board of Education is looking for a student leader to serve as its Honorary Student Board Member (HSBM) for the 2025-26 school year. Selected annually, the HSBM represents the interests and perspectives of all CPS students by attending the Board’s monthly meetings, which are generally held on the fourth Thursday of each month at the CPS Loop Office (42 W. Madison St. in Chicago). The HSBM is also an active participant in the Student Voice Roundtable initiative, which provides a platform for students from across the District to engage with CPS leadership and Board members on topics that are important to Chicago’s youth. The HSBM will also be awarded a $1,000 scholarship to be used to support enrollment in a two or four-year college or university.
To be eligible for this opportunity, students must be a rising Junior or Senior (current 10th or 11th-grader), hold a 3.0 G.P.A. or higher, and demonstrate proven leadership experience.
The application period opens Monday, March 24 at 10 a.m. and closes Friday, April 25, 2025 at 5 p.m. Students can visit cpsboe.org for more information and to apply.
Celebrating Computer Science and Robotics for All
Earlier this week, 275 students from our District’s cluster programs, along with their school support teams, traveled to Google Headquarters in Chicago to display the learning they’ve achieved this year in robotics. In addition to celebrating the success of these students, this event served as an opportunity to advocate for increased inclusion and participation of students with disabilities in Computer Science education.
Tilden Science Teacher Thriving in Prestigious Fellowship
Congratulations to Sarah Compton, a science teacher at Tilden High School, who is serving as an Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow this school year in the office of Youth and Education in Science (YES). The goal of this program is to provide outstanding science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) educators the opportunity to bring their insights, extensive knowledge, and practical experience as classroom educators to the legislative and executive branches to help inform the establishment and implementation of federal education programs. In this fellowship thus far, Ms. Compton has distinguished herself by collaborating with geoscientists to design a three-day professional development workshop for STEM teachers—a series of practices designed to help them inspire students’ interest in the geological sciences.
Nominate a School Nurse for a ROSE Award
The ROSE Award (Recognition of Service Extraordinaire) honors the service of CPS school nurses in one of five categories: Integrity, Compassion, Accountability, Respect, and Excellence. Principals, assistant principals, network chiefs, and nurse managers can nominate school nurses for the Rose Award here through April 11, 2025.
Supporting Families Amidst Federal Policy Changes
With the transition to a new presidential administration, many in our school communities are experiencing anxiety, especially regarding immigration issues. CPS is committed to ensuring that our schools remain safe, inclusive, and welcoming educational environments that embrace and celebrate everyone in our diverse communities. CPS has strong protections in place for our students and staff; you can read about them here.
We have also created a website with many resources on immigration services, as well as details on “Know Your Rights” trainings and workshops that are being held throughout Chicago. Some of these sessions are being conducted by our District’s Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Team, while others are being presented by our community partners. Families can find complete details at cps.edu/newadminguidance. This website will be updated frequently to reflect new training opportunities and any changes to federal law, so we encourage everyone to visit regularly. Mental health supports are also available to students through their schools. Parents who feel their children could benefit from these supports should contact their child’s teacher, principal, or school counselor directly.
Explore Student Job Opportunities for the Summer
Online applications are now open for One Summer Chicago—the youth employment program that partners with local businesses, nonprofit organizations, and city agencies to provide paid work experience, work-based learning, and skill development opportunities for young people ages 14–24 over six weeks during the summer. Students should visit onesummerchicago.org for more information and to apply. An application and resource fair for One Summer Chicago is also being held on March 26, during the week of CPS spring break. Click here for complete details.
In addition, Navy Pier is hosting a summer job fair from 2 to 7 p.m. on Monday, April 7. It will be held at the pier across from the Amoeba in the Main Food Court Area. Further details can be reviewed here.
Opportunities from the Chicago Park District
Get your requirements completed over spring break to be a Chicago Park District lifeguard this summer. Take the lifeguard skills test on March 22 and take the American Red Cross certification March 24-28. Learn more and apply now: www.chicagoparkdistrict.com/lifeguards/cps
Deaf or Hard of Hearing Teens: Join us at the Teen Opportunity Fair on March 22. The Chicago Park District is hosting a Teen Opportunity Fair for deaf or hard of hearing teens on March 22 at Brighton Park Community Campus (Park No. 596), 4830 S. Western Ave. from 10am-2pm. teens can learn about future opportunities such as college, trainings, and employment, and interact with Deaf or Hard of Hearing mentors and professionals to learn about different fields and the work required to succeed. Learn more and register: www.chicagoparkdistrict.com/teen-opportunity-fairs/cps
Work for the Parks this summer, apply now! A number of positions are now open for the summer, including Recreational Leaders (for day camp), Lifeguards, Junior Laborers (landscape maintenance), and Special Recreation Leaders, all open to Chicago residents who are age 16 and older by July 1, 2025. Additional positions are available for residents age 18 and older. Enjoy your perfect summer job in the parks! Learn more and apply: www.chicagoparkdistrict.com/summer-jobs/cps
Spots are still available in Park District Spring Break Camps. Keep your kids active and engaged over spring break at a Chicago Park District camp. Campers will participate in recreational activities, arts and crafts, and sports along with other fun activities. Offered at various parks across the city, kids will enjoy a week with other kids their age, in a fun and supervised environment, at an affordable cost. Most camps run March 24-28, for ages 6-12. Times vary, but many of the camps run six hours each day. Learn more and register now: www.chicagoparkdistrict.com/spring-break-camps/cps
For questions, please email play@chicagoparkdistrict.com.
Discounted Tickets for CPS Staff and Families
Chicago Cubs
The Chicago Cubs invite CPS teachers, administrators, and staff to visit Wrigley Field on Monday, May 5 at 6:40 p.m. for Teacher Appreciation Night! Discount tickets are available from $24 and include a Cubs quarter-zip. Get your tickets here!
Chicago Fire FC
Wrap up Teacher Appreciation week with the Chicago Fire on Saturday, May 10. Each ticket purchased through this link includes a special-edition scarf. The 1:30 p.m. match at Soldier Field is also the Fire’s annual Family Day and the first 5,000 fans receive a plush giveaway of their mascot Sparky!
Chicago Stars FC
CPS students, families, and staff are invited to kick off spring break with 50% off tickets to the Chicago Stars FC home opener against the Houston Dash on Sunday, March 23 at 2 p.m. at SeatGeek Stadium. Click here to purchase tickets!
Chicago Bulls
CPS staff are invited to cheer on the Chicago Bulls with an exclusive ticket offer for upcoming games. Get your tickets here for the below games!
- March 29: Bulls vs. Mavericks
- April 1: Bulls vs. Raptors
- April 11: Bulls vs. Wizards
Plus, cheer with us and celebrate educators on Friday, April 4! This special ticket offer includes your ticket to Bulls vs. Trailblazers game and an exclusive educators-themed tumbler. Get tickets here!
Lyric Opera
Join Lyric in 19th-century Paris for a gorgeous, new-to-Chicago production of Puccini’s enduring masterpiece La Bohème. This passionate tale of young lovers is filled with fiery first romances, tragic heartbreaks, and an endearing ensemble of characters. Filled with music that you know and love, this grand, cinematic production features breathtaking spectacle and a universal story that has captured audiences’ hearts for more than a century and served as the inspiration for the Tony-winning musical Rent. Join us, and see why La Bohème is operatic perfection.
Lyric Opera of Chicago extends a 20% discount to CPS staff for La Bohème on stage March 15 - April 12. Buy tickets at lyricopera.org/Boheme with code CPSBOHEME.
Important Dates
For more upcoming events around the District, visit cps.edu/calendar.
- Monday, March 24–Friday, March 28: CPS spring break (no classes for students).
- Monday, March 31: School improvement day for staff; no classes for students.
- Tuesday, April 1: Parent-teacher conferences; no classes for students.
- Friday, April 18: Professional development day for staff; no classes for students.