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9.1 Overview and Design Concept

9.1.1 Philosophy and Goals

Life safety, preservation of property, efficiency, maintainability, and sustainable features are critical factors to be considered in the design of Electrical Systems. Safety to personnel and protection of property shall not be compromised and only the safest and reliable systems should be considered.

9.1.2 General Criteria

This section establishes the minimum design requirements that must be met by the Electrical Design Professional. City of Chicago Building Codes and standards may take precedence over these requirements. However, where these requirements exceed those of local code, these standards will take precedence.

Included in this section is a description of the major components of the electrical systems for the proposed building construction project (new construction or additions/annexes). This narrative is intended to inform the design process in general for new construction for the proposed building. This narrative is an attempt to only address the major systems and equipment that will have significant cost implications to the overall budget. The details of the systems and designs are still to be developed as the project progresses and must be in accordance with other standards such as the CPS Master Specifications, Standard Details and Schedules.

Provide new electrical services and equipment for a complete and operable system of distribution, power, lighting, fire alarm and emergency power. Voice, data and communication standards are dictated and published by the Office of Information Technology Services (ITS) of the Chicago Public Schools. The security standards are dictated by the Office of Safety and Security (OSS) of the Chicago Public Schools. Where differences exist between requirements of that office and these guidelines, the most current ITS/OSS requirements shall take precedence.